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Posts by Andry
Joined: Nov 15, 2012
Last Post: Nov 15, 2012
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From: Indonesia

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Nov 15, 2012
Scholarship / Summary of Undergraduate Study - Architecture [3]

Hey guys, I'm applying for a graduate scholarship in China. I hope someone could offer me some advice about this summary of my undergraduate thesis. I'm afraid it's too short. Thanks in advance...

Jakarta Library for The Blind and Visually Impaired is a library which provides collections of media which are used blind and visually impaired people, for example Braille books, audio books, large print books, and tactile books. This project is designed to be located at Cilandak area, South Jakarta, because of its easy access from the blind and visually impaired communities in Jakarta, which are located around this area.

Jakarta Library for The Blind and Visually Impaired facilities include children library, public library, art and computer classes, sersory garden, children playground, auditorium, and other facilities, such as collection production and repair section.

Accesibility is the main reference of this project. Thus the behaviour of blind and visually impaired, as the main user of this project, is the main consideration of the design. This affects the circulation system, room placement, and the interior. Therefore, the concept "linear" is used as circulation system, and "contrast", to create a varying atmosphere inside the building.
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