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Posts by daycee
Joined: Nov 17, 2012
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Nov 17, 2012
Book Reports / the story of an hour by kate chopin..themes are control, disapppointment, and freedom [4]

Some Relationship Killers and Solution:
Control, Disappointment, and Freedom

Have you ever wonder why some people stay in a dysfunctional relationship. Well in "The Story Of An Hour" Kate Chopin argues that a controlling relationship can lead to a disappointing relationship and finally leads to a free relationship. We as humans tend to control the people we love the most, but controlling the ones we love we push them away with disappointment and give them a bad relationship, therefore we as humans know that we desire freedom once he relationship gets unhealthy.

As humans we tend to control the ones we love the most. "She was striving to beat it with her will". Mrs. Mallard sees that she can get out of a controlling relationship all she needs to do is fight back. Although Mrs. Mallard knows that a controlling relationship is hard to get out of, this is why she is "striving to beat it with her will" (Chopin pg.1 p.5) she can find love somewhere else and not have a controlling husband. The fact that Mrs. Mallard fights back and doesn't want a controlling is because Mr. Mallard is pushing her away and doesn't want Mrs. Mallard to be herself. The fact that we as humans let things happen to us by those who love us and yet do not fight back it's just a meaning that we like to be control because we were when we were younger. However Mrs. Mallard shows that there is a limit where when enough is enough and you get yourself respect back and walk away even if it hurts. The story finally argues that our anger can be overcome our self respect and is capable of not letting our emotions show. By examining Mrs. Mallard struggles with her husband's rejection, we can see that it's best for Mrs. Mallard to find a way to get out of the relationship.

When one feels that it is unhealthy to continue the relationship they know that their relationship is a disappointment and that there's no reason to continue the relationship. "The tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life" (Chopin pg.1 p.4) Mrs. Mallard knows that it is unhealthy to keep a relationship like the one she has one when she gets to the point where she is disappointed with her husband relationship. Although Mrs. Mallard feels the pain and disappointment she also feels that there is a better thing ahead of her like "the new spring life" (Chopin pg.1 Ph.4). The fact that Mrs. Mallard knows that when enough pain or when enough is just enough, she show that women don't always have to be in a relationship to be happy. However Mrs. Mallard is in disappointed relationship she can still see that there is a better thing ahead for her and her life. The story finally argues that when a one doesn't feel loved or appreciated that it is time to finish and out of the relationship. By examining Mrs. Mallard struggle with her own relationship, she shows that we have limits and when that limit has reach we want to get out the relationship.

Therefore we as humans know we desire freedom once the relationship gets worse or unhealthy. "She carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of victory" (Chopin pg.2 ph.14). Mrs. Mallard is happy with news she got about her husband because she no longer has a controlling partner and she is not in a disappointing relationship. Although out her marriage with Mr. Mallard, Mrs. Mallard was never happy until she heard that her husband "dies". The fact that Mrs. Mallard is happy to know she is free. Now she looks like a "goddess of victory" (Chopin pg.2 ph.14). However the death of her husband did not make her free, the joy of being free killed her. The story finally argues that we as humans put up with a lot of things in our lives, even the little things like happiness kills us. By the outcome of Mrs. Mallard's struggles we can say that life is short and that we don't have time to waste and that our lives are so precious to not live to the fullest. Mrs. Mallard was just living as she was dying.

In the end no matter what we as humans go through we can always overcome them. With fear, hope, and faith we can overcome anything. The way Mrs. Mallard defend herself and found joy and happiness is what most women need in today's sociality. Mrs. Mallard represents what every women should be and more. Mrs. Mallard is like an icon to all who are in a controlling relationship. This story is sad in the beginning but nice towards the end because Mrs. Mallard shows no emotion at first but towards the end she does.

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