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Posts by flashman260
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Last Post: Nov 21, 2012
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From: United States of America

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Nov 21, 2012
Undergraduate / I am currently living in America, but I haven't lived here all my life [NEW]

Even though I am currently living in America, I haven't lived here all my life. About half of my life was spent in my country, Indonesia. In Indonesia they have poor medical systems. I am the first born son in my family and soon I will be the first generation in my family that will actually go to college.

My dreams to become a doctor started when I was child. In my childhood I see a lot of people got sick and can't go to hospital because of their lack of money, seeing that I want to be the person to be able to help them. In order to do that I begin to ask my science teacher on how to become a doctor, she said that well you need to be good with math and science that is the basis to become a doctor and it has a lot of work. At that time I have habit to put off things aside of course my mom will get mad at me and tell me to do my homework. Sometimes I listen to them but sometimes I would rebel against them but my mom would get mad and tell me to do it anyway. As I grew older I rebel less and started to understand why and began to prioritize on more on the important things.

My dad also contributes to my dream, he told me that as a child he didn't have a father and finding food isn't easy but he worked hard and pull himself through from his dark times. He has proven to himself by be able to get us to USA, he has given me and my brother an opportunity that he couldn't get in his childhood and only few people that could get it. He has given me an opportunity to get this education; he has allowed me to reached place where few people reach it.

The school is where I actually develop me communicating skill to interact with people and has also the biggest impact n me. In Indonesia the school only cares about grade and they rank you according to the grade that we got. I was consistently rank in top 5 when I am in grade school it makes achieve good grade in school easy and that is the only think that I know. In America school the teacher does care about grade but more on developing human society skill such as confident, creativity and optimism. In Indonesia I am very quite shy person, I rarely talk to a person even to my friend. You could call me bookworm because all I do just read book. When I come to America I was confronted by people eagerly to want to know about me, I was having long conversation with people that I usually I don't have a long conversation with people. Little by little I obtain something that I didn't get from Indonesia like confidence on talking to people, creativity, and optimism. I still remember that I was so scared representing myself in front of the class that I mumble so bad that nobody understand me. I still have but now it's easier to talk in front of people.

My world shaped me to become the next generation of doctor, I thank my parent for teaching me self discipline and hard worker. Beside knowledge and skill I thank my school for my confidence that I have now, how to interact with people, and friendliness toward people. With these skill that I obtain I can continued on the path to become a great doctor.
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