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Posts by AlisonHarr9
Joined: Nov 23, 2012
Last Post: Nov 23, 2012
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From: United States of America

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Nov 23, 2012
Undergraduate / "MY ART" - My Greatest achievement in life has been my greatest failures throughtout life [2]

PLEASE HELP!! I'm not the grestest at writing essays, so I will take any changes or crticism you have! The promt is- Describe in detail an outstanding, non-academic achievement, project or activity.

Thank you
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Winning- the word alone is filled with so much pride. To be the best, to brag, to be known for something. Losing, however, is a better learning expierence in itself; after all, what good is winning everything you've ever tried at, if you lern and improve from losing.

Every trimester, the art teacher at my school, Mrs. Shippy, would have her painting students inncorpirate two paintings they found off the internet into an image they have created for the final project. She offered everyone the opprotunity to display their work in a local grocery store. My junior year, I was one of those students.

I was so thrilled to finally see my art displayed in a public setting. It was like a dream. I incorpirated two paintings I found on a local art website. I asked the srtists if I could use their ideas, and they said yes! I began work immediatley.

I worked day and night, and before long my painting was on display in the stores coffee shop. My hard work had finally paid off, and everyone loved it. Well, almost everyone.

The paintings were suppose to be on display for the week, but unfortunatley mine was only displayed for the first two days. Apparently, three middle aged women didn't find my piece as enjoyable as my peers, so they demanded it be taken down immediatley.

My gut dropped, and my body went numb as my tacher broke the news to me. I was only seventeen, and my work was already being critcized. My teacher apologized,and now she uses my expierence as an example to her other classes.

I may not have had the best first time expierence with displaying my art, but I did learn something. It doesn't metter if anyone likes what I create, what matters most is if I like it, and if I'm proud of myself. Which isn't that the greatest achievement of all?

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