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Posts by doctor_noorulla
Joined: Nov 24, 2012
Last Post: Nov 24, 2012
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From: Afghanistan

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Nov 24, 2012
Scholarship / 'Public Health, UNICEF and other NGOs' - my experience scholarship essay [2]

Can anyone edit this; I will appreciate it too much

My name is Noorullah Noor and I studied Doctor of Medicine from Nangarhar Medical Faculty in 2006 with 4GPA and Master of Public Health (MPH) from Jodhpur National University India. I started my professional career with National and International Non - Profit Organizations (NGOs) on various positions with focus on health and health related issue particularly Health Management.

Reasons for choosing this scholarship program are
- To Use my skills in a productive way to make a difference, connect with my community and help poor people to contribute to a cause that I care about.

- Going abroad presents challenges and opportunities to grow. Accept each new experience as a chance to discover more about myself while gaining valuable insight and knowledge. If I don't know how to do something, this is one of the best environments in which I can learn.

- Personal development, especially in such areas as self-fulfillment, self-confidence and self-esteem often flourish in such programs. As I am trained to do more tasks, I become more skilled and feel better about myself. When I am confident and fulfilled, it is apparent to everyone I meet.

- Skilled communicator, instructor, and project leader, with the flexibility and experience required to adjust to rapidly changing schedules, frequently shifting priorities, and high-pressure setting.
- To further my career aspirations of becoming part of a senior management team, I want to obtain a Master's Degree in mentioned fields. Having this knowledge will allow me to better understand management principles.

- I will be well versed in the theory, I will be able to adapt and modify the theoretical constructs as required in order to meet my Country's needs. I fully recognize that our political, economic, and technological environments are constantly changing, and thus management needs to be able to adapt quickly and accurately to the new conditions if the company is to survive, let alone prosper.

- In fact successful improvement requires establishing a clear educational vision, seeking from new cultures, shared institutional mission, knowing and identifying areas for improvement, developing and designing strategic plans and implementing those plans for new programs.

Presently, I am working as a Senior Health officer with Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, I am responsible for running health services projects in Wardak Province these projects are one BPHS (Basic Package of Health Services) project, one EPHS (Essential Package of Hospital Services) project, one CME (Community Midwifery education) project, one School Health Project and one learning for Healthy Life project.

We have promoted equal access to health care for women by strengthening health systems for almost three decades.
While I was working with MSH/USAID I was involved with Drug supply, providing technical assistance and capacity building of Ministry of Public Health and PCH NGOs and to regularly monitor USAID funded projects.Vital to our success is a participatory approach to project design and implementation, which cultivates broad-based support from all stakeholders (National and international NGOs). We also build and improve infrastructure and local capacity to effectively purchase, store, deliver, and use quality essential medicines.

During my work tenure with Cure International Hospital, I was pursuing the Health Management Information System (HMIS), collecting information on Club Foot cases, entering them into database and analyzing this data when required by Cure Worldwide, Donors and stakeholders.

I also worked for implementation of community Based Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition in the field of Afghanistan, working in collaboration with Ministry of Public Health, UNICEF and other NGOs in the field.

Being an Afghan I have thorough understanding of the situation and environment in context of my work but my education level is one of the factor limiting my capacity for influencing the policy issues in the field of health with the focus on Public Health in disaster.

As at the result of three decades war and social strife has disrupted and destroyed the physical infrastructure, Human Resources and other governmental machineries. At present all the interventions related to the health sector depends on international community. Since the fall of Taliban 2001 considerable progress has been made in many areas including health with help and assistance from international communities. Now the government is in transition state and gradually will switch away from international experts /expatriates to the hands of Afghan. This transition needs some prerequisite preparation and filling of the gaps beforehand e.g. building capacity (Human, institutional and technology) of national staff / institution.

This gap would be filled by qualifying Master degree in this area, As I stated in aforementioned pares that since 3 decades during the era of war all the basic infrastructure is destroyed including medical institutes and research, and have left unattended for ages no up gradation is taken place. So we have no medical institute with capacity to generate masters in any subject of medical sciences especially in Public Health in disaster.

Hitherto, it would be impossible for me to qualify the master degree within the country; secondly my financial status is not in position to support my studies because I have my MPH by my own expenses.

Beside this I would be able to play a leading role in the health sector, influence the decision making in close congruity with Afghanistan National Development Strategy. The course will be a technical guide aimed to allow me to gain analytical and practical skills on Public Health in disaster.

I believe my chosen profession will enable me to fulfill all of my desires to help people of Afghanistan who live in disaster and will bring positive changes Public health Policies especially disaster management in Afghanistan.

At end looking to my work experience and knowledge I wish to apply for the _____EMMPHID_____ scholarship. I believe that my excellent academic record and service work make me a good candidate for a scholarship
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