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Posts by stephenhong1027
Joined: Nov 24, 2012
Last Post: Nov 24, 2012
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From: United States of America

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Nov 24, 2012
Undergraduate / "Bonding multifarious cultures"; RUTGERS- "benefit from and contribute to" [2]

Topic: Rutgers University is a vibrant community of people with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. How would you benefit from and contribute to such an environment? Consider variables such as your talents, travels, leadership activities, volunteer services, and cultural experiences.

Able to live in a culturally diverse environment is something that everyone should feel grateful about. Although their are discriminations of different ethnicities, I feel that a lot of universities, especially Rutgers University, advocate the idea of bonding multifarious cultures. I, myself am an Asian-American and I feel that being able to live with various cultures is truly beneficial. Not only can I learn about the different cultural aspects, but I can feel welcomed and not feel left out. When living with diverse cultures, I would try to learn about how my culture is different from other cultures.

Although Rutgers University is filled with people with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, I feel like this is an advantage for me to learn about people who I have never encountered in my life. If there is someone who had an arduous and painful experience, I would try to console that person by opening up first. By opening up my past experiences first, I feel like that puts people in a comfortable environment in which people can bond with each other and help each other who have been through stressful experiences. Although there are a wide variety of backgrounds, people are still people. No matter how depressed, stressed, or even peculiar they may be, that does not constitute the fact they are still people. If I knew that a colleague of mine was going through a painful point in their life, I would try to help that person in any way possible.

Although I was not able to go to different countries outside of the United States, my high school, Tenafly High School, is filled with a plethora of people with wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. Either Tenafly High School or Rutgers University, there are always a amalgamation of diverse people. Although I am not sociable in large crowds, I like to help people who have problems because helping makes me feel relieved and content. Rutgers University is a vibrant community of people but people are unaware and unwilling to listen to the people's backgrounds and experiences. However, I would try to be willing to hear about my colleagues experience and learn about that person.

My church, Church of Jesus, is a Korean church but it is a church where it constitutes a wide variety of different ethnic groups who come to praise God and learn about His love. When I am on the stage playing guitar and I look at the people's faces, I want to learn about how each person came to my church and I would try to not make each person feel left out because my church still is a Korean cultured church. Although there is an English Ministry, it constitutes a lot of different people with various backgrounds to make them feel welcomed. In my youth group, I observed that a lot of non-Koreans started to come, and as a leader of my Youth Group, I learned to be sociable and affable and make the other party feel like my church is another "home" for them.

Church, universities, school, clubs, or even social gatherings are filled with people who are mysterious. When I encounter a new person, I just want to learn about their culture and their experiences. When learning about new people with a wide variety of backgrounds, I feel like I would benefit because I would learn something new every time I talk to someone new. When entering Rutgers University, people are going to feel stressed because they are all starting a new school, life, and environment. I would contribute by overcoming my fears of shyness and try to be garrulous.

Rutgers University is a place where I feel like I would benefit the most because Rutgers is a community where there are a diversity of vibrant people of different cultures and backgrounds. Able to communicate with colleagues at Rutgers would truly be an experience that I would never forget.
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