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Joined: Nov 24, 2012
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Nov 27, 2012
Writing Feedback / Virtual: The Evolving Classroom; Peer review [2]

Virtual: The Evolving Classroom
While more and more institutions are expanding to offer online classes, argument on whether taking online against face to face learning is keep continuing. Many people are concerned whether online education is as effective as traditional classroom. The general purpose of my research paper is to discover the benefits of online education by discussing major concerns through proving facts and reliable opinions. Potential students are my target audience whereas to share my research with a broad audience as well.

Distance education had employed correspondence learning method for a long time. E-learning is a student-centered teaching technique, facilitates new generation to study at any place with internet access. "Working professionals can study at night. Stay-at-home parents can study during kids' naptime. Military members can study from any new post to which they are assigned. ... On the contrary, they are busy, ambitious learners, who simply need a better college design." (ELearners) Technology has taken into new approaches in learning. By the help of internet access, pursuing education in a multitasking world is not as difficult as it used to be.

One of the most asked questions on internet these days is, "Is online education as effective as traditional?" Students have control in online subjects, just because we are not in the same room with teacher doesn't make our ability of learning less. "Students in online conditions performed modestly better, on average, than those learning the same material through traditional face- to-face instruction." (Means, Toyama, Bakia, Jones) This official report from a government source confirmed that positive learning outcome is resulted in the same course on online learning.

Making better use of one's time adds to increase in productivity. According to a 2009 meta study from the Department of Education: "Students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction." (Littlefield, Jamie) Students, who have troubled in concentrating within the crowd, can benefit from online classes. Blackboard and forum sections are the platforms which provide thorough discussions than immediate conversation in the class rooms.

How much can you really learn online? A lot of people are concerned with students cheating in online classes or not getting the required knowledge. Online or in campus the most essential thing for learning is self motivation. "I set the exams up so that the students have 1 minute per question in a multiple choice scenario (so they don't have time to cheat) ... the actual answers on essays are not usually found anywhere, because they have to provide an example or a solid argument for why they say what they say." (Sura) The preceding comment was made by a credible professor in an educational article. We just need to ask ourselves if we are we learning just to pass the test or to develop our skills. In addition, most of the online courses are evaluate by professional from careful study and install the programs that can detect from plagiarizing.

"Accessibility and flexibility of online education makes it possible to shave months, even years off your graduation date. Motivated students can earn prestigious degrees online in half the time it would have taken in a traditional classroom setting." (Sorenson). Recognizing the potential benefits in the process of learning could be a big help to find the best place to learn. The value of internet becomes more appreciable in education. Online class can contributes to accelerate the course without holding back on the existing career.

One major concern is a communication between student and teacher. A lot of people worry that instructor might not respond as fast as in traditional classes. In the contrary, students can get better attention in online classes. "I have taken and taught online classes for many years. One of the main things that I like about online learning is that it is faster to complete courses and has a better response rate by professors. As an instructor, I am required to respond to students' questions within 24 hours." (Hamilton) The fact that people forget is on online is teacher are required to respond in certain time and students can access course material at any time of the day. The advantage of internet communication is more student-centered which means student can review the material better before they ask. For those who find difficult to understand spoke lectures can still communicate electronically without striving against other in the classroom to get instructor's attention. Message board and group discussions are networks for students to socialize each other.

One of the main purposes of getting a degree is to improve career. Some people think employers favor in hiring degree holders from traditional class compare to online. "83 percent of executives in the survey say that an online degree is as credible as one earned through a traditional campus-based program." (Zupek) More and more employers are starting to value online education is no less than traditional. Employers increasingly recognize getting a degree online requires self motivation, discipline and comfortableness in technology and those are the traits most of them look for. Online education strengthens students' ability to meet timelines with others and practice of written communication skills.

Convenience is a big plus for those who study online. Loosing sleep over getting up early to commute, being late to the class because getting stuck in the rush hour traffic and gas expense can be reduced by e-learning. Internet unites students and educators.

"The vast majorities of the nation's 15 million college students - at least 79 percent - live off campus, and with gas prices above $4 a gallon, many are seeking to cut commuting costs by studying online." (Dillon) Studies and my personal experience tell comfort matters in productivity and creativity. Creating a comfortable learning environment and providing access to study have played big roles in education. Without the hassle of commuting and free distractions from other students lead to a qualitative education. Additionally, there is more opportunity for students to choose the programs and degrees which are not available in the area they live.

Interviews are always necessary in collecting information to conduct a qualitative preliminary research. I made bulk interviews by posting short questions on the social websites and I also organized personal interviews to some of my coworkers. Although this research paper is to support the benefits of online, I prefer to cover both sides of the debate. Therefore, I am also including those who are not in favor of online classes. The ultimate goal of this section is to provide the sincere information. However, the decision is to make by readers if those matter in their situation. My question on the time line was "What is your opinion about online vs. traditional class?" Aaron S. responded "I care more on accreditation of a place than its delivering method. Overall reputation of the school and course material is more important for me". My other friend who resides in East Coast responded "what if I can't access to internet like last week when we had blackouts from hurricane". My opinion is if that is a case of natural disaster campus will be closed anyways. (I pray this doesn't happen again at anyplace).

"I learned online most of my high school and my studying schedule lay out from Monday through Friday with different subjects. Saturday was the day I took revisions for what I studied during the week. I found out that I am supposed to take a few credits in the real classroom to get diploma after three years. I knew I was ready, so instead of taking those classes I went ahead and took the GED exam and I passed. I know online was effective for me. But I am now taking networking classes in MCC because I live with three other roommates, we are all same age and their days off are same as mine. It is too easy to goof off to study at home". (Joshua H)

"I have a toddler, who wants to be held and she doesn't want to stay alone when I am around. Me and my partner both work full time and go to school. I take humanity and behavior science classes online and I go to campus for my major subjects. This way we both can take turn on our days off to study and give the attention to the baby." (Melinda, R)

Asides from the benefits of the online education that I found web searches and it's independent way of learning, I personally think that we are contributing the green factor by taking online classes. Pollution is a big factor in global warming. Also, financial factor is one thing to consider for education. Expense such as transportation, gas, food, board and campus related fees are not much in separately but it adds up to a big amount all together. We have to keep in mind that the more you cost, the better the resource does not apply for the same course, same credits offered by the same institution. Choosing the best learning environment is important to do well academically. Virtual or traditional, which path will help us succeed our dream. Clearly, the decision is to make your own and hopefully it is a right one. Virtual or traditional, I do hope that we all take a best path for our education and finish this journey successfully.
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