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Posts by arellyna
Joined: Nov 28, 2012
Last Post: Dec 4, 2013
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From: Bulgaria

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Nov 29, 2013
Undergraduate / I aspired to become a Film Producer. Academic Interest - USC short essay [3]

I would REALLY appreciate any feedback!
Describe your academic interests and how you plan to pursue them at USC. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections.

Every collector has experienced the tingling feeling of excitement when immersing himself into the atmosphere of an Antique store, where intricately designed enigmas grab the attention of both young and old.

When I entered such a "shop" for the first time I felt as if an electrical jolt shuddered thought my body. I aspired to see how every little component found its place in this "Swiss watch". I aspired to create a sophisticated "artifact", which would touch people's hearts. I aspired to become a Film Producer.

I have occasionally been told that business should not be mixed with pleasure. To this day, I still cannot understand the logic behind these words. Business? I preferred to think of it as a craft. And I usually imagined losing myself in time and space in Santa's workshop with some fellow companions. After we had created a beautiful piece of art, we would look each other into the eye and see the exact same spark.

I see USC School of Cinematic Arts as an interesting, inspiring, and full of opportunities atelier with never-ending shelves of desires. The location of the institution, the artisans, who teach the passionate dilettantes, and those, who pursue their dreams there are the main magic ingredients of what is USC - an international airport, where only the best could rocket to the heavens.
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