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Posts by merlin
Joined: Dec 11, 2012
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Dec 11, 2012
Undergraduate / I always had a great desire to live and study abroad: AUBG essay [6]

Could I please get help with this essay, because, honestly, I need it.

Write an essay in one or two pages, which will help the AUBG Admissions Committee become acquainted with you, understand your motivation to attend AUBG, and determine how well you can express yourself. The essay should be on the following topic: How an AUBG education will broaden your global perspective and cultivate your capacity for social responsibility. The essay will be evaluated on the basis of clarity, creativity, completeness of response, sentence structure, paragraphing, spelling, grammar, and style.

When my friend e-mailed me about a scholarship that offers studying in the AUBG I though that I was definitely was going to take part in it. That is just something that I always wanted to do, since my early years in High School.

I always had a great desire to live and study abroad in order to maintain a truly international experience, to explore things that you can explore only by thinking (and by some means) living outside the box. I love the city I was born at, but it seems to me that there is just so much more that the world has to offer. I want to become a successful modern lady, I want to make a difference and I am sure about the fact that AUBG can provide to me a good opportunity to learn new things, meet a lot of new people and have a good degree, but also AUBG can be a new challenge, which I like! I think that by only challenging yourself you can become a better person, your own role-model.

Here, where I live, a lot of women cannot be as successful as men, because of the gender stereotypes and chauvinism. I absolutely disagree with the idea of women being able only to cook, clean the dished, do house chores and bare babies. It`s 21 century out there, isn`t it a bit old-fashioned? I think that we all have to decide what we want our lives to be like instead of dealing with it by letting other people make decisions for us. I feel like I am shouting to the empty space sometimes when I say things like that, when I stand out for my beliefs, but I guess, sometimes you have to stand out on your own if you are doing it for something that I right.

I know I am not a perfect human being and I have my flaws. Probably, I shouldn't write it down on my essay, but that`s just the way it is! Although, I know I am a good friend, my friends can be sure I`ve got their back, I am a hard-working person, I know what I want - I am not a flip-flopper, people can rely on me. I like to read smart book and have smart conversation, I like to make sure I study hard, because I know that it`s important for my future. I love history and foreign languages. I am an open-minded person: I love studying other cultures: it`s like a whole new adventure to me. I am respectful to other religions and I cannot stand discrimination, because sorting people just doesn`t seem right to me. No one is perfect and the thing is: I don`t want to be perfect. I rather be myself, I think that is just something only happy people could manage to be.

As I said, know I want to make a difference in the world. Being in the history books is not what I am shooting for. I`d like to help as mane people as I can, that`s all especially people who were abandoned their basic God-given rights, plus diplomacy is something I always was interested at and being a diplomat for a living sound like a great plan. As to quote Confucius: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life". Although, I like that American University in Bulgaria gets you to choose two majors which seems like one of the biggest advantages of going to AUBG.

American University in Bulgaria focuses on educating future leaders, it provides everything students need to have a unique, useful educational experience. That`s why I want to be in this University, because AUBG seems like a great place to get a start. International level of education, the higher chances to get a job (diploma works both for America and Europe) but the most amazing things about AUBG - I`d get to meet other people. I think that`s important for people of my chosen profession to see other people`s point of view, the way they like to deal with things.

I love to travel, I have been to America, I became friends with teenagers that are complete opposites of me and I though even the idea of us being friends is ridiculous. I can say the FLEX program helped me to realize - there is a whole new world out there to be discovered, new things to try. I have changed a lot, I became wiser and what I have got to say is: I will make a great AUBG undergrad. I think AUBG is the place where I belong.
Dec 11, 2012
Undergraduate / I always had a great desire to live and study abroad: AUBG essay [6]

I don`t know if you thought that this

Write an essay in one or two pages, which will help the AUBG Admissions Committee become acquainted with you, understand your motivation to attend AUBG, and determine how well you can express yourself. The essay should be on the following topic: How an AUBG education will broaden your global perspective and cultivate your capacity for social responsibility. The essay will be evaluated on the basis of clarity, creativity, completeness of response, sentence structure, paragraphing, spelling, grammar, and style.

was my first sentence, but it`s not. Otherwise, if you meant this part: "When my friend e-mailed me about a scholarship that offers studying in the AUBG I though that I was definitely was going to take part in it", then could you, please, suggest a better opening?

I think I am going to follow your advise. Thank you! (:
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