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Posts by lisbethmars
Joined: Dec 19, 2012
Last Post: Dec 19, 2012
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From: United States of America

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Dec 19, 2012
Undergraduate / Living in a Different world/ RISD Common APP/ Visual art or design [2]

PROMPT:Is there something you love, have to do, can't stop thinking about? Write about a personal passion or obsession other than visual art or design.

I am a princess, a socially awkward vampire, a fallen angel or your average rebellious teenage girl. Take your pick because I can be any of them.

I am living in France, outer space, Washington and New York City. I can be anywhere and everywhere in an instant.

It isn't magic or make-believe. It is my life. I've learned to live in two places at once by simply, picking up a book.


To some people they're just bits of paper glued to a fragile spine. But to me, each book holds a world of its own. They're filled with stories and adventures, waiting for me to open them, to delve into these lives and become the character.

Reading is my passion.

Having a really good book in my hands is like heaven. Everywhere I go, I make sure I have one with me. Physically I may be on a bus or train but mentally, I'm a werewolf in the woods, painfully transforming into a beast.

As my collection grows, I gain knowledge. Through this knowledge I am able to see the world, my world in a different way. I go through piles and piles of books every year. I just love reading the words, devouring the story, escaping my reality. Because in that moment, when my eyes are moving from left to right; and my hand, almost robotically, flipping one page after another; I am transported to a new place. These novels take me on adventures. They lead me through the wild; they lead me through a jungle. They take me by a sleeping dragon, and its pile of gold. They take me far from here, they help me get away. They take me into worlds of magic, lands filled with terror. Land filled with wonders.

Once I close the book and I'm back in my reality, it's a bittersweet moment. It's when I realize that I am not a princess or a vampire. It's when I look up and see that everyone around me is just carrying around with their lives, oblivious to the fact that I have just experienced emotional trauma at the hands of a paperback. It's amazing how lost I can get with just a book in my hands. How easy it is to disregard the world around me.

And for a few hours, I forget that I'm just me.

(Is there anything I can do to make this better? What should I change?)
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