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Posts by Jasmine Yan
Joined: Dec 21, 2012
Last Post: Dec 27, 2012
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From: BC

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Jasmine Yan   
Dec 27, 2012
Undergraduate / Becoming a Chemical Engineer,my lifetime goal; University of Toronto/Why engineering? [NEW]

What has inspired you to pursue an engineering degree and why would you like to study at the University of Toronto?
What skills have you developed through your extra-curricular experiences that will support your future success as both a student and an engineer?
Your essay should not exceed 3000 characters (including spaces and punctuation).

When I was a child, I was always wondering what kind of job I would like to do in the future. Even though I was not sure at that time, I showed big interest in mathematics. During weekends, sometimes I would spend hours and hours solving math problems and never felt tired. That helped me become a very rigorous person. When I have my first science class in middle school, I found myself enjoying this course; especially chemistry and physics. I could spend a whole day in the chemistry lab or building mechanical car. The knowledge and technology behind every process greatly attracted me and from that time, my passion for engineering sparked. My lifetime goal is a chemical engineer.

Considering that University of Toronto is one of the best universities for engineering, I am looking forward to becoming a student in this school. U of T has a high level of scientific research, latest teaching methods and equipment. I can meet many excellent teacher and top students from all over the world. Also, it is widely considered to be one of the most outstanding universities in Canada. U of T has always been my dream school.

In order to become successful in my future career, I am willing to do my best. As a student, I think I am very responsible and careful. I really enjoy solving mathematics and chemistry problems so I will do some extra practice after finishing my homework, just for fun. It is an excellent way for me to relax. What's more, I love doing handwork and being creative. Sewing, making embroidery and origami are my favourite. During my spare time, I will also do some sports. Snowboarding is one of my favourite sports, as well as curling. Being a part of my school's curling team teaches me how to work well with people. I love working as a group because I can always achieve different ideas and opinions from my teammates.

For me, University of Toronto has always been the best option to begin my studies as an engineer. If I get the opportunity to become a student in U of T, I will treasure it and try my best in my future studies.
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