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Posts by gboranbayeva [Suspended]
Joined: Dec 26, 2012
Last Post: Jan 16, 2013
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From: Kazakhstan

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Jan 15, 2013
Scholarship / My future profession "teacher of languages;Motivation letter/ Erasmus Mundus /Masters [3]

I need your great help. I am bad in writing essays and motivation letters. Any offers, advices are welcome. Pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Motivation letter
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires" -quotation said by William Arthur Ward. This quote, which gives many ideas under, has taken me to my dream. Now I really recognize actuality of my future profession-teacher of languages: English and German. That is the reason I want to study for Master degree.

My average score of learning GPA is 3, 84 that shows a high grade. Also I have participated in conferences such as: "Language at University", "Methods of teaching foreign language" in the circle of Universities of the city Astana.

In 2011 I have won II place in the competition "LINGUA" which took place in Eurasian National University. Diplomas given to me made more to thank to choosing learning languages. My IELTS score is low for the level who studies foreign languages. When I have Erasmus Mundus masters scholarship, it will contribute in a great value to my educational skills. Erasmus Mundus universities can give me strong basic theories which then I can use it in a practice in my home country.

From my childhood I was looking for what I loved. It took me a long time to decide what job position to have, what clearly makes me enjoyed. The decision of it has come to me when I studied at school. Furthermore, while I have been studying at university second breath of mine opened: to teach students with disabilities, to open a university on the world rank standard for them. It will contribute to economical, social, and financial supports in my country. After all, financial aid for disabled people originated in Europe and proves again world discovery of education and learning.

Being an enthusiastic student who likes to take up challenges, the Erasmus Mundus masters program is an optimum course as it will equip me with the right skill sets to step into the exciting domain of teaching and working with students.

I hope that I will be accepted as an applicant and beneficiary of the Erasmus Mundus masters Program in the 2013-14academic year. I am confident that I am qualified and prepared to meet all requirements of the scholarship. I would be grateful if you could give my application your most favorable consider
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