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Posts by xxchappell
Joined: Dec 29, 2012
Last Post: Dec 30, 2012
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From: China

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Dec 29, 2012
Undergraduate / I want to design and construct a comfortable environment ; Choosing Architecture? [4]

It's That Simple

I want to study architecture because I want to design and construct a comfortable environment where people will spend their lives enjoying themselves. I want to evoke different emotions to people when they simply walk into a room or building that was touched by me. I want to understand the structure behind buildings, to unravel the mysteries of what certain compositions have on people, to appreciate the history behind every form of architecture. I want to study architecture so I could create something tangible that will still be there after I've long gone, something that will outlast me.

I am at the crucial moment right now where this might change my life forever, the impact of this excels anything that I have ever done. The next 5 years can either be meaningful, remarkable, life-changing or uninspiring, dull and insipid under a stack of poorly completed projects. I know that there will be stressful times where I might regret the very moment right now. This very moment when I know my future will consist of stressful nights, complicated CAD drawings and crazy software remodeling, yet here I am, writing this essay, still persisting and hopelessly stubborn in pursuing architecture as my career. Because no matter how much regret the future may or may not bring upon, I will always choose to write this, for the reasons I am feeling now.

(It's a bit short but I don't know what to write about, please leave suggestions and opinions below)

Sorry, I should add some background information of myself, for which may be suitable to write into this essay.

- 18 years old female
- Chinese, but lived in Oman for about 7 years, (from grade 3 to grade 9), then moved to Malaysia in my sophomore year, moved back to China for my 11th and 12th year of high school.

- All international schools ^
- British step father (basically I'm very diverse)
- Not bad in math or art

Should I add how my experience has influenced my desire to study architecture?
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / I want to design and construct a comfortable environment ; Choosing Architecture? [4]

I was born in a small coastal city in China called Dalian, where nature and industrialism blends together perfectly. The vast mountains and towering buildings create a beautiful subtle skyline that I appreciated for the first 9 years of my life. During my early childhood, my mother wasn't always by my side singing me nursery rhymes, she was working and studying aboard and I grew up with my grandparents. They were supportive of my creative endeavors such as drawing, sketching, and Chinese calligraphy as well as abacus calculations. Although they suggested me to pursue other interests as well, I was only a kid at the time, and all I really wanted to do was to run around and pretend to be a bird, fortunately my interests ran with me. By the age of nine, I had already earned several certificates and awards for my calligraphy and drawings, but nothing had changed my life as much as what happened next. I moved to the Middle East - Oman because my mother fell in love with my British step-father. I was intrigued by Oman as it is a country of culture, diversity and sand. The beaches are absolutely breath-taking, and the architecture is so inspirational. I especially loved the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, the detailed embellishments, the lusterware tiles and painted motifs. I was fascinated by how every room evoked different emotions, the atmosphere created by the astounding structures. The beauty of if all was magnificent.

It was then that I knew I wanted to be an architect.

During the seven years I spent in Oman, we took advantage of the location, and frequently drove to the UAE, Dubai to appreciate the city life, although the traffic was horrible, it did give me time to embrace the different styles of architecture in the city. The lofty skyscrapers with reflective windows, everything was so overwhelming and aesthetically alluring.

So I guess the reason why I want to study architecture is because I want to evoke different emotions to people just like how the Grand Mosque did to me. I want to unravel the mystery of how structures can alter the atmosphere of the room. To appreciate the history behind every form of architecture. I want to study architecture so I could create something that will still be there after I've long gone, something that will outlast me.

I understand that this is a crucial moment where this might change my life forever, the impact of this excels anything that I have ever done. The next 5 years can either be meaningful, remarkable, life-changing or uninspiring, dull and insipid under a stack of poorly completed projects. I know that there will be stressful times where I might regret the very moment right now. This very moment when I know my future will consist of stressful nights, complicated CAD drawings and crazy software remodeling, yet here I am, writing this essay, still persisting and hopelessly stubborn in pursuing architecture as my career. Because no matter how much regret the future may or may not bring upon, I will always choose to write this, for the reasons I am feeling now.
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