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Dec 30, 2012
Essays / Role playing can instigate some of the aggression ; Aggression and Video Games [2]

Over the years, technology has advanced and with the development of the new technologies, video games became popular. In light of the video games, concerns arise with how the video games affect the players. Do the long hours of playing video games add to the aggression levels of the individual? For years since the rise of Halo and Call of Duty, scientists have been studying how repetitious playing does. To clarify what aggression is, it is any thought or behavior that involves in intentionally harming others or oneself.

With the rise in game sells and the production of new franchise games, this brings in the concept role playing. Role playing can instigate some of the aggression that is created during game play and be later used in situations like revenge on bullies. There is no irrefutable evidence to support that video games do pressure young adolescence to engage in such incidents like school shootings. But it is an opinion that needs to be elevated and discussed. There are studies that were conducted on a stretch of years to get a better understanding of what video games do to individuals that use it routinely and long-term, the results showed that long-term use has affects (Brock University in Canada).

As a member of psychology, Dr. Phil did take on the connection of aggression, video games and personal morals with young people. His perception of the connection is that extensive video game play deconstructs children; it strips them of realistic values and personal cooperation. His take on the mater tells us that video games do play a huge role in how young people feel. From other psychological studies, the study with Brock University in Canada can help strengthen the structure of this argument, long-term playing can affect the player. Taking drastic measures is only a precaution most adults to parents fail to implement.

As most people assume that playing video games takes no toll on the people enjoying the video game, they are wrong. It was stated before that video games instigate role playing and demoralize individuals through long-term play. These claims have been studied, analyzed and interpreted as best as the people that take this issue serious but still there is information that just does not add up. With information that is flawed, the study becomes more and more extensive.

In recent studies have shown that people that who tend to become linked to violent games show poor social skills. As Dr.Phil stated this is one of the affects people will generate from video games, the player begins to manage their time only through video games and this in the end clears them of how to react in real social situations. As their social skills begin to decrease, they begin to deal with other factors that harm the psychological thinking process, self-image. From playing video games all day or for more hours than seen normal, weight begins to build on. Most studies show that people that play video games eat while they are playing their game. As video game play deprives the individual of social interactions and exercise, it also deprives individuals of sleep. All these affects do add on and began to take drastic measures on individuals. Time management needs to be implemented.

There are many people in the world that think it is an invalid claim to say that aggression springs from video games in young people but science is getting to the bottom. And there are scientists and doctors that think time managing and implementing a routine to video games takes away some of the social pressures young people are out through in their daily lives. Scientists and guardians share this belief but is this what it all comes down to? Also, it is looked at as being a great way to pastime. This is true in some cases. It could keep the younger or any individual from going out and getting into trouble. In the end it is up to the sole guardians of the younger kids to make that decision.

Most people blame the ratings on the games their children buy because sometimes the ratings don't match what is within the game or simply the rating is off based. People can buy literally what they can afford. For some video games you need someone that at least 18 years old to purchase the video game, not all retailers care to ask but there is a protocol they are supposed to follow. If the retailers that sold games were asked to tell the person buying the video game about the game, maybe the buyer would reconsider buying the game, since aggression and all that aggravation is linked somehow with games.

Aggression is linked to video games, it creates the behavior that makes you want to harm someone, it creates that image in your head and when you are attacked that image springs out. Some of the shootings that have been going on could be linked with violent video games but that is hard to say because psychology still has its perception. Through all the studies and all the people behind the exploration of this mystery, only one thing is certain, some form of aggression springs from longterm video game play.
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