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Posts by wheres_am
Joined: Dec 30, 2012
Last Post: Jan 1, 2013
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Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Beautiful campus, diversity of the student body, and the reputation; Why Syracuse U? [3]

It's my first time uploading something and so could you tell me what you guys think about the SP's? It would mean a lot :D thanks!

doing number 4...

1. Who or what influenced you to apply to Syracuse University? What influenced me to apply to Syracuse are the beautiful campus, diversity of the student body, and the reputation of Syracuse University. I have seen many photos of the campus on the school website, through Google, and photos my friends at Syracuse University have uploaded. I have only seen "photos" of the campus, yet I felt a small connection to the University. I felt a need to visit the campus, and when I visited, the campus and the surroundings of the neighborhood reminded me of my childhood memories. The trees, the buildings, and the sidewalks, just reminded me of a park in my old home town in New Jersey. The campus felt like "home" and I felt as if a part of my childhood had been given back to me. When I visited I also got to see the diverse community of the school as well. There were students of mixed races in a group laughing, smiling, and having fun with one another. The diverse community at SU would give me an advantage by giving me the chance to become more open-minded about people and cultures that are different from me along with the chance to learn about their culture as well. SU is also known for their strong reputation for their academics and I believe the interactions with the diverse community and rigorous academics will make me mentally stronger and open-minded.

2. Who is the person you dream of becoming and how do you believe Syracuse University can help you achieve this? The person I dream of becoming is the 100% opposite of my Father. Syracuse University has a strong academic reputation and a wide range of opportunities on campus and around the world. I believe the Alumni system, Academics, extra curricular's, and the facilities of the school will help me become the person who I want to be. Straight on, I want to be a person who can support his family with no financial problems, but even more importantly, be there for his family. I want to be someone who my children can proudly call "Dad" and someone they can look up to. From graduating a university that is respected and known, along with hard work and dedication, I believe that Syracuse is the perfect match for me.

3. If you have had work experience, what skills and/or knowledge did you gain? I have worked as an intern for a company, a waiter and a cashier for a restaurant with no pay. I believe that I had learned a lot after I have worked these three jobs. The most important thing that I learned was that you must put the customers and your co-workers before yourself and show respect to everyone, no matter who they are. I learned that a successful business is when you have control and respect, yet kindness and patience exists. I also developed the skill of creating a friendlier environment in the restaurant. I learned how to earn the customer's trust and made sure when I served them, they would be satisfied by my service. When I was working as an intern, I learned marketing and advertising strategies along with the skills of how production should be controlled as well. I overall learned business strategies, how to communicate, and that a college education is required in life.
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