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Posts by Teddi
Joined: Feb 17, 2009
Last Post: Feb 20, 2009
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From: Ireland

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Feb 17, 2009
Dissertations / Thesis (six thousand words in six days) - art college [20]

Hey guys..

Im in need of serious help here, and try not to be too judgemental, I work my ass off! :)

as it stands right now..Ive 6 days to have my thesis done, and not one word written.

Its not out of lazyness, but more down to bad time management.

My thesis is 6,000 words in total, it goes towards 20% of my overall mark.

Im in an art college in Ireland and in my final year.

I know what Im writing about..I have the chapters labelled in the thesis ..I have about 7 books in total, Ive watched 3 videos(all not directly relating, but helpful) and have about 10 internet sources.

quite frankly..Im terrible at anything essay based, albeit I consider myself very articulate and I can make something sound intelligent when I need to. But as I type this..Im in a paraletic fear ...an inner fear of not being able to get this done in time.

I still need to read a good bit of the books I have...its now 5:46 and Im planning to read for the rest of the night and at this stage, am attempting to do a chapter a day until sunday, which Im leaving to make sure it looks organised and all images included.

Does anyone have any advice on how NOT to go completely mad with stress?
Ive nearly empted a bottle of "Rescue remedy" into me already...doesnt seem to be doing much!

Thank you...
Feb 17, 2009
Dissertations / Thesis (six thousand words in six days) - art college [20]

Thank you spurs...

The topic isnt a complicated one, its about hip hop and its design aesthetics...

I plan to write a minmum of 1,500 a day, so by end of friday I should have 4,500 done.

Then I have 1,500 to do between saturday and sunday...

I'd imagine.. 700-1,000 words intro..

1,000 words for conclusion.

4,000 - 4,300 words for the body of the thesis...

gahhhh!!....Im not acedemically minded so I never have to do this sort of work...

Im highly creative with design, thats my forté.

10,000 in two months?..I'd much rather be in your shoes :P
Feb 17, 2009
Dissertations / Thesis (six thousand words in six days) - art college [20]

Thank you so much for that reply Gautama...

Its an interesting thing about coffee I wasnt aware of..I hate coffee and only ever drink it if I need to stay awake...

Im going to try and avoid it like you suggested. I have 2 books that nail my thesis title, so Im going to make sure I cover both of those books well...

Once I know what Im going to say I can fly along. Otherwise I just end up sitting there with the best intentions, but doing nothing about it.

Its not that much for my final year mark, but I still need to get a pass!
Feb 18, 2009
Dissertations / Thesis (six thousand words in six days) - art college [20]

Thank you kevin!...

For the next 5 days I dont plan on doing anything but this, pretty much not leaving my house until its done.

I was brainstorming with my flatmate last night and we came up with a really nice theory that can be implimented into the thesis. I have a bare Idea of what I was going to create per chapter basis, but now I've added in a new dimension that might structure my thesis better.

I plan on getting all the main important writing done by saturday?..so I have sunday to lay the thesis out, insert imagery etc...as you well know..presentation is also highly accounted for.

I know its in my grasp to get it completed, but its hard not to doubt oneself given my situation of being able to complete it in time...

3 chapters = 4 days

organisation of layout and bib and index= 1 day...

fingers crossed!

P.S : an extension isnt available as due to an inadequate tutor (was never in) we were given a compensation of an additional week...the week being this week :(
Feb 18, 2009
Dissertations / Thesis (six thousand words in six days) - art college [20]

just out of curiousity...

I have 2 books that nail my thesis to a "T"...

each book contains possible quote after quote after quote...

Obviously its something that I want to use but I dont want to seem like I copied all my resources from it..

Is there some stratedgy that I can use in this case?...
Feb 18, 2009
Dissertations / Thesis (six thousand words in six days) - art college [20]

thank you again kevin..

One of the books, I've pretty much read through...and due to the restricted time I have left..I...in a slightly unprofessional way,but still a reliant source will be rewording most of a book to use the structure of the thesis as they are based on the same subject.

but dont fret, I'll be using quotes out of other books and sources, but its hard to avoid doing it as its the bible of the subject matter Im doing..

signing up to questia.com as we speak kevin, thanks :)

EDIT: on second thought, no Im not going to sign up..not a free trial when you need to give a credit card number...sly ...
Feb 19, 2009
Dissertations / Thesis (six thousand words in six days) - art college [20]

Thank you kat...

as it stands at the moment, Im spending a whole day today rewording a large part, well truth be told 90% of a book into my own words, once done trying to contruct my argument into it and then Implenting my theory that I have at the end.

Including today I've three days before I need to spend one day laying it out and inserting imagery.

Im a pretty intelligent guy so I'd have a fairly good Idea of what Im doing will be pleasing to the examiner. I also have a philosopher living with me...albeit he's spainish, his english is quite good and he helped me brainstorm the other night.

I just have to stop thinking of it in this huge context in my head as its seems a bit overwhelming. I've put aside what I need to get done each day so I just dont sleep until I've it done!

I never used to pray to god,but in this case I might have to start :D
Feb 19, 2009
Dissertations / Thesis (six thousand words in six days) - art college [20]

Im wondering, would a title like..

"how hip-hop has influenced graphic design in the last 30 years"...

...be an acceptable thesis title?

I have four chapters that I'll be creating, one on : graffitti, album design and advertising, fashion and sneakers and then my fourth about the inaccuracies of the hip hop in this day and age.

the first three chapters dont have much of an argument, more depicting aspects that influcenced hip hop, the final will have a more stronger argument...

how might I need to re-phrase the thesis title?

Feb 20, 2009
Dissertations / Thesis (six thousand words in six days) - art college [20]

Thank you sean...

so far what I have done is the summary of my subject, the factual aspect of it (that has come to about 3,500 words...with no intro nor conclusion)...I've typed out the thesis layout (the pages whereby introduces the book...indicating college etc) took longer than I thought so Im glad that I did it...as so I only need to fill in the title when I know what it is ..(doh!)...the bib's done...chapter index...

My main problem right now is that I've three days to go...and my brain has gone into a state of "freak out" as Im only realising now that all I've been doing is just 'talking' about hip hop and its design and not how it 'influenced' graphic design...

I need to insert my "how" part into this now...I think its going to be my biggest challenge...three days before its due!...

aahhhh!!!!! :(
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