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Posts by korey24
Joined: Jan 9, 2013
Last Post: Jan 9, 2013
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Jan 9, 2013
Undergraduate / Nanotechnology&Passion for making a difference in Africa;"Why Engineering @ Michigan" [2]

Question: Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests? (500 words maximum).

Please let me know what you think, any critiques. Thank you, much appreciated!

Engineering appeals to my desire to add to society. Engineers contribute to the advancement of civilization. Without engineers, daily life would be immensely different. In today's world almost everything has been "engineered." Although engineering is challenging, this aspect only strengthens my interest.

An area that I am particularly interested in is nanotechnology. I recently carried out a project on this field of study in my organic chemistry class. What really attracts me are the numerous possibilities for this technology in virtually every industry. There are possibilities in medicine, agriculture, sports, energy, consumer goods, construction and so much more. I want to be able to research this field and explore other engineering fields more thoroughly. Michigan being a world class research university along with the Lurie nanofabrication facility and the MNIMBS, provides an environment in which I can be better educated on this topic. I would love to work closely with world renowned faculty members on research projects. I believe an education from University of Michigan will instill in me the qualities needed for successful research throughout and after my time at Michigan.

Another reason Michigan engineering really interests me is the diversity. I am aware of how diverse both the students and faculty are. It is always a positive learning experience when you can listen to global perspectives. International students, such as myself, have the added benefit of being able to compare what they see and experience in the United States to that of their home country. They have seen what ideas have worked in their independent parts of the world, and now create the possibility of transferring these ideas to the applicable country. I recently read about the generation of steam from sunlight. This comprises of sunlight concentrated on nanoparticles to generate steam. Currently it is being used to purify water. With further research and development this process can be used to produce electricity which would be a great development in many third world countries, which lack stable electricity. I know a device such as this has the potential to be extremely profitable in Nigeria for example.

Simply put, engineering suits me. It requires the solving of problems which is what I aspire to do. Attending U of M will mould me into an excellent problem solver. I have a passion to make a difference in Africa, specifically Nigeria, through projects that improve the quality of life. I believe engineering can assist me with this dream. Also, there are several student resources which I can take advantage of at Michigan such as independent advising, academic learning centres and the engineering resources centres.

Michigan presents the ideal learning environment. An education from Michigan expands my already great opportunities. With all the accomplished alumni, top class professors, state of the art facilities accompanied by my hard work, willingness, observation and initiative, the possibilities for me are truly endless.
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