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Posts by jwfathal
Joined: Jan 12, 2013
Last Post: Jan 14, 2013
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From: Guam

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Jan 14, 2013
Undergraduate / LAWYER/ Committment to the HUMANITIES/ LOCATION; Seattle U- Good match? [3]

Why do you feel Seattle University is a good match with your educational goals?
Going to a college or university is an important step for me to achieve my goal of becoming a lawyer. During my research, I found it difficult to find a school that would help me accomplish my goal, and also provide an overall great college experience. After much research, I believe that Seattle University will meet my needs in guiding me in accomplishing my goal as well as having a great college experience. For example, the programs that I have taken particular interest in are the pre-law program and the study abroad courses.

Seattle University is unique compared to many other colleges and universities that I have researched. Seattle University's strong commitment to the humanities because of their Jesuit tradition really stood out to me. To be active in servicing not only the local community but also the global community as a whole is an experience I want to have. In addition, I also love the Seattle University's small student to teacher ratio. The idea of being in a small classroom setting is appealing to me because it makes me feel as if I am an important addition to the class and not only some number or seat .

Finally, the location of Seattle University is part of the main factor in my aspiration to be part of the University. Since, I am a pacific islander from the small island of Guam many students here look at universities on the mainland because it is seen as a chance to experience something new and different from our complacent setting. Given the fact that Seattle University is within one of the major cities in the United States and is full of diversity makes it a perfect choice for me.

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