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Posts by dana27
Joined: Jan 13, 2013
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Jan 18, 2014
Writing Feedback / Cities that you want to visit - London, Rome, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, & Washington [6]

Nowadays a lot of people like to travel during their vacations. For some of them it became a tradition to travel every year or even every month. There are a lot of places to travel just for fun but at the same time a good way to learn something new. Travelling is one of the most popular hobby among young people.

There is no doubt that travelling is fun but it's expensive. That's why people prefer to travel through their country than abroad. If I have the possibility to travel abroad, I would like to visit London, Rome, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, and Washington.

The Houses of Parliament with its famous Big Ben are the most visited sight by tourists. London gardens and parks are wonderful, they are called the lungs of the city. Hyde Park situated in the center of London is really a national park. It is well known that Hyde Park is the greatest people's park in Europe. So I would like to have a walk, to listen to the band at the Speakers Corner in this park, to enjoy the small houses with their gardens.

The list of what to see in Rome is immense. Packed with tourist attractions and world famous sites, it can be hard to find all the best places to see in Rome when you're on a tight schedule. The most famous of ancient Rome's monuments, Colosseum, stays partially ruined because of damage caused by devastating earthquakes and stone-robbers. Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain) is the well known sight from the film La Dolce Vita by Fellini. And of course, the most imposing church St. Peter Basilica which is the church with colossal dimensions.

Paris sights include monuments and architecture. The symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower has become the one of the most recognizable structure in the world. The Eiffel Tower was originally built as the entrance arch for the World's Fair.

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