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Posts by Knikcalb
Joined: Jan 16, 2013
Last Post: Jan 16, 2013
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Jan 16, 2013
Undergraduate / History & My Engineer father; U of T Material Engineering- Why Eng? [3]

I have been working on this for years...and it still doesn't look right... feeling desperate right now
I am applying for Material Engineering~And here is the requirement:

Please write a brief essay that answers the following questions.

What has inspired you to pursue an engineering degree and why would you like to study at the University of Toronto?
What skills have you developed through your extra-curricular experiences that will support your future success as both a student and an engineer?
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----My Stupid Essay-------------------------------------------------- --------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

The first time I had the thought of becoming an engineer was when engineering revealed its significance and attractiveness to me through history. When I first learn about modern history, it suddenly occurs to me that a single engineering development has jump started a new era of human history. Three centuries ago in Britain, the invention of Watt steam engine has not only created the word "engineer", but it has changed everything: Manufacturing productivity has been rise to a historical level; human has first traveled faster than houses because of the engine-powered vehicles; even the social structure has been changed for the increased workforce. Later, Britain became the largest empire in the world, and new developments of technology also been spread to the rest of the world along its expansion. Engineers have brought human to the Industrial Era, and the thought of becoming one of them has always been a driving force to me. However, despite that engineering has stricken me with its significant role through books and information, having my father works as an engineer still has a unique influence on me. Since the day my father told me the ultrasound sensors in my Lego robot's eyes were developed by his team, as a child, my impression to engineers has been associated with admirations of "creating eyesight out of wires and metal". This can be childish, but it was what first triggers my interest and attracts attention to engineering.

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