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Posts by DrakeRose
Joined: Jan 28, 2013
Last Post: Jan 28, 2013
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From: United States of America

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Jan 28, 2013
Scholarship / Inquisitive/Multicultural ; unique, and why is international travel? [4]

I have to write an essay on what makes me unique and why international travel is important to me. (250-500 words)

I really had no idea what to put, but here's what I got so far:

"I've always been inquisitive of this world. I come from a multicultural background, and throughout my entire life I've been fascinated with all of the diverse types of cultures and beliefs. I've studied atlases and scoured the internet in search of information about the planet for as long as I could remember. Connecting with my heritage through travel gives me a better understanding on who I am.

Travel will allow you to stretch your limits and obtain an appreciation of the world at large. Whether you're walking in your neighborhood or strolling down Champs-Élysées, traveling in general will allow you to see the world in a new way. Peregrination affords you the opportunity to hear new languages, taste new food and learn how to appreciate the Earth. You gain an insight on how other cultures live their lives, which allows you to compare them to your own life and incorporate the best of each.

The more people that are educated of the diversity in this world we share; I believe we can transform society into a tolerant community based on equality.

I enjoy taking part in the community, either through education or charity. I have volunteered at various homeless shelters, feeding the needy. I was also a former editor on my schools' literary magazine.

Travelling has tremendous educative, informative and social value. It widens people's mental horizon, improves health, adds thrill and relaxation to life, dispels boredom and helps promote national integration. I believe travel is a necessary implement in today's education."
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