Jan 30, 2013
Grammar, Usage / Reversed perspectives against the current educational system [3]
Once I stand on the platform,I couldn't help sharing the experiences which I have ever immersed and undergone throughout the Europe with my students. I can tell that they are exceedingly eager for knowing the different world outside even if their minds have been imprisoned since their childhood.
"Spiritual shackle"
In comparison with teaching them the textbook, I'd rather to encourage (precisely, "abet" is much more appropriate word to portray WHAT I HAVE DONE in my class)them to read "the Spirit of Laws" by CˇLˇMontesquieu, to travel during the vacations andto use their own minds, pondering morality issues instead of mechanically reciting the hypocritical textbooks.
Once I stand on the platform,
"Spiritual shackle"
In comparison with teaching them the textbook, I'd rather to encourage (precisely, "abet" is much more appropriate word to portray WHAT I HAVE DONE in my class)them to read "the Spirit of Laws" by CˇLˇMontesquieu, to travel during the vacations and