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Posts by dsapp
Joined: Feb 1, 2013
Last Post: Feb 1, 2013
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From: United States of America

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Feb 1, 2013
Graduate / Dont let " LUCK" to determine my future; UF MBA;How MBA contributes my immediate post [2]

Why are you returning to school to obtain your MBA degree? Explain how your prior professional experience and your UF MBA degree experience will contribute to your immediate post-MBA career plans and long term career aspirations.

The definition of "Luck" as an intransitive verb is "to prosper or succeed especially through chance or good fortune." (Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2013) I will not let the success of my future be determined by luck. I have the ability to control my future through preparation. I am not set in a thought regarding where I want to be as soon as I complete my MBA. I have learned that there are so many different careers that I have never given a thought to until I put my resume out there and a recruiter describes a position to me. Often times the positions I learn about are doing something that have not occurred to me before as a paying position. Many people's careers transpire in the background of daily life and are not as visible as a firefighter, doctor or lawyer. I chose a degree in business, specifically because it did not limit my field of employment opportunities. Every company is a business, every business needs management. It is my goal to learn the necessary skills to be an effective business leader in any field.

Through my professional experience I have learned invaluable lessons regarding human nature. When I stop to think about what I have learned, my recurring thought is that I need to know more. I have the ability to see situations from different perspectives and am very good at subtly reminding others that there are always two sides to a story. I have the ability to adapt easily to situations and interpret data in a manner that allows me to see the bigger picture. This skill helps me to build relationships and teams that understand what is expected and how to reach the end goal. With an MBA I will be able to show prospective employers that I have the endurance to see my goals through which will reflect on my ability to lead their company into future success.

I feel that I have an insatiable need to learn so I can go further. I am a firm believer that luck is simply a matter of good preparation combined with inevitability. If you prepare yourself with knowledge and skills then it is inevitable that an opportunity will occur to propel you forward. Many will call it luck, but that same opportunity would never have been possible if the necessary knowledge and skills had not been earned. Every person is in control of their future. It is my goal to make sure I have all the knowledge and skills possible so that I will be in the prime position for recommendation when the next big opportunity arises in my career. Dedicating this time to earning an MBA from the University of Florida will be my "Luck" in the future.
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