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Posts by xoxo4
Joined: Feb 1, 2013
Last Post: Feb 1, 2013
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Feb 1, 2013
Undergraduate / I am proud to say that I have good study habits - UW Madison [2]

Grades in school, to a lot of people, are very important. I would be one of the people who agree that the grades you receive in school play a vital role in your future. Grades may seem like just a letter on a report card that you receive four times a year, but they are more than that to me; grades reflect your progress in a class. Every time a quarter ends, I eagerly await seeing my report card. To me, the grades I get show that my hard work has paid off.

Overall, I have maintained a high GPA throughout high school and I feel that I can be proud of my grades. However, teachers and other people who see my grades or achievements do not see the whole picture. Some people may assume that because I have good grades or an above average GPA that it just comes naturally. The hard work I put into school seems to be a "behind the scenes" habit and the grades I receive are what everyone sees. Often times, how much time and effort I may put into a project or test goes unnoticed because all the teacher and peers see is the result. I know that my hard work does not completely go unnoticed, as I do get credit for the grades I receive.

Even though, at times, homework seems to be impossible, I spend as much time as needed in order to complete the task. I believe that this also has to do with my persistence and perseverance. These character traits are not only evident in school but also in my daily life. Also, accomplishing certain goals I have depends on how badly I want it. When I set my mind to a problem it is evident that I can overcome any hurdle in my life. No matter the complexity of a problem, my nature is to overcome the difficulties and complete the task. I believe that these are good character traits that may not always be noticed but will help me along in life.

I am proud to say that I have good study habits. I am dedicated to overcoming any obstacle put in the way of my path to success. I may not be the most academically gifted person but my grades do not reflect that due to my determination and good work ethic. I am confident that these are major components necessary to succeed and achieve the goals I have set in my future!
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