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Posts by dd09
Joined: Feb 6, 2013
Last Post: Feb 21, 2013
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From: Nigeria

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Feb 21, 2013
Graduate / We educated community members; LETTER OF INTEREST FOR MASTERS IN PUB HEALTH [3]

Please help me look through and make corrections:

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the masters in public health graduate program of your university. I graduated from the college of Medicine, XXXX, with a MB.BS degree in 2009.

My interest for public health began in medical school. In XXX, we started taking courses in community health from our second year till our part IV MB.BS exams. Just before our exams we were posted to a rural community for a 2week community development program and research. It was indeed a memorable time, as we were able to practice what we had learnt in the classroom. I participated in primary healthcare house numbering, we prepared questionnaires, collected data from a cross section of the community and analysed the data collected. We educated members of the community through playlet, music, dance and health talks, with emphasis on health related problems we had observed during collection of data. This I actively participated in and it gave me joy to be able to reach a large number of people at the same time.

I am currently rounding up a one year mandatory National youth service Corp at the XXX, in the general outpatient department; I also take calls in the accident and emergency department. During this program I was also a member of the health community development group, were we reach out to various communities with little or no access to good health care and offer assistance. As a member of the health community development group we also visited various secondary schools and gave health talks on sexual practices and promotion of healthy living.

Prior to my National youth service corp., I also volunteered to work for various Nongovernmental organisations, e.g. AM Projects/Health and missions International which offered free medical care to rural areas.

I observed most of the complicated cases we saw were because of delay seeking health care, wrong cultural practices and beliefs in wrong traditional myth and poor community health surveillance.

The challenges serve as motivation to pursue a master's in public health, to acquire and develop the knowledge and skills required to influence public health policies and become a decision maker.

I became aware of your public health graduate program through a friend and classmate who is currently in the same program in the University of XXX, he high recommends your program, as it accepts a large number of international students from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. I believe I would be able to contribute and learn from the academically inspiring environment of the University of XXX.

Thank you, in anticipation of you consideration.

Instruction: description of all employment and/or study experiences that relates to your interest in public health
description of why the applicant wants to pursue a degree of the interdesciplinary context of the school of public health
description of education and career aspirations and how they feel the program will help meet these goals
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