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Posts by elissa2013
Joined: Feb 12, 2013
Last Post: Feb 12, 2013
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Feb 12, 2013
Undergraduate / "If you work your butt off and stay dedicated, success will surely come" -BEST ADVICE [2]

The prompt is "What is the best advice you have ever received? Why? Did you follow it?"

It was the day of our school's annual cheerleading tryouts. Thirty-seven hopeful girls filled the first four rows of the gymnasium bleachers. I was number eighteen. My stomach was swarming with gigantic bees, not butterflies, as I questioned my performance earlier. Was my toe touch high enough? Did I start on the right count? Were my arms straight? Oh, why had I not practiced more!

The chatter among the girls died down as the coach appeared. She went on to say how each girl was great, even if they did not make the cut. "If I call your number, congratulations! You are on the squad." My stomach instantly tightened and the bees grew wild. She slowly began. "1, 3, 7..."

"10, 13..." I held my breath as she got closer. "16... 20..." My stomach dropped along with my heart. Instantly, I felt horrible and ran out of the gym to my grandmother's awaiting car. I slumped into the front seat, completely disappointed with myself. I could not help thinking, "What went wrong? Why had they not chosen me?" I turned to my grandmother and said, "I am never trying out again."

My grandmother was quiet for a moment as she pulled out of the parking lot. After a while, she quietly said, "Elissa, I need you to know that this was a blessing." My face immediately twisted in confusion. How on earth was this a blessing? "This was a much needed lesson," she continued. Her next words I would take with me for the rest of my life and would never forget. "If you work your butt off and stay dedicated, success will surely come." These words motivated me to try out for the squad again.

All throughout that year I worked hard to improve my jumps and tighten my motions. I attended every home game and studied the squad carefully. I took mental notes of their every move. Later, I would use what I learned from them to work on my own skills. I continually practiced in my backyard up until the day of the next year's tryouts. I was determined to make that squad. I was determined to redeem myself and overcome that challenge.

I was number three. "If I call your number, congratulations!" Coach Laws began. "You made the squad!" I slowly took a deep breath. This was finally the moment. "1, 2, 3..." I quickly jumped up into the air and squealed for joy. I had done it! I had actually made the cheerleading squad!

My grandmother's advice was what I absolutely needed to hear. I learned from her words that in order to accomplish a goal, it takes hard work and dedication. Making the cheerleading squad is only one example of that. Her advice applies to everything in life. Whether it's my education or my career, I will always need to give everything I do my very best and never lose faith. With this strategy in mind, failure will never be an option.
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