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Posts by thoradycus
Joined: Feb 23, 2013
Last Post: Feb 23, 2013
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Feb 23, 2013
Undergraduate / Tech based Paddy Farming Business; NUS Fass Economics & Business/ Activity [3]

This section is an opportunity for you to elaborate on the information you have provided earlier. You may wish to discuss a special talent, a personal experience or an activity that you have been involved in that is of relevance to the course that you are applying for at the university. (2000 characters max)

Having been interested in Economics since O Level, I decided to work at a recently started technology based paddy farming business soon after my A2 exams to gain work experience and also knowledge of the industry, as food production is an important part of the world economy.

As the firm is small, I get to work in almost all areas. Whilst fertilizers are made in Ipoh, farming is done in Kedah and Kelantan. My work include assisting in the production of fertilizers, and calculating areas of paddy plots from aerial photos and preparing aerial maps with GPS coordinates. I have also done work on our field in Kelantan and inspected the operation of one of the business partner's rice mill in Kedah.

Aside from my work,I have gained perspective in not only where microeconomics principles are applied, as in the process of farming, but also the macroeconomic implications of it. For example, improving the productivity of paddy farming through improved technology could reduce Malaysia's dependency on rice imports, currently at 35% (RM2 billion in 2012) of total consumption, would make us less reliant on other countries.

I have also gained perspective on how business has to be conducted at times. I noticed that race is an issue in the paddy business. Securing sizable lands for padi farming is very difficult without exceptionally good relationship with the Malays concerned. This is because over 90% of padi lands in Peninsular Malaysia are under Malay Reserve. This makes me wonder how race relations will affect business and the economy of Malaysia another 20 years on. I have 2 uncles who are successful in their fields, both of whom settled in Singapore over 20 years ago, did not have the same problem.

To conclude, this internship has further invigorated my interest in Economics and Business, and also strengthened my interest in joining the finance sector in Singapore upon graduation.
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