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Posts by vhohlov
Joined: Feb 23, 2013
Last Post: Feb 25, 2013
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Feb 23, 2013
Undergraduate / American model of education; AUBG-Global Perspective&Social Responsibility [3]

Write an essay in one or two pages, which will help the AUBG Admissions Committee become acquainted with you, understand your motivation to attend AUBG, and determine how well you can express yourself. The essay should be on the following topic: "How an AUBG education will broaden your global perspective and cultivate your capacity for social responsibility." The essay will be evaluated on the basis of clarity, creativity, completeness of response, sentence structure, paragraphing, spelling, grammar, and style.

Nowadays we live in a world that is revived by the laws of science and computer technology. I am one of the fortunate people that had the unique chance to develop step by step at the same time as the modern technology. I can consider me one of the first generations of the new world.

During my childhood I was fascinated about computers. I am glad that I did not stop my passion at the level of computer games, like all my friends did, but struggled to understand how a computer works, and in special how to urge it do things instead of me. Every game played by me was hacked in a few days and the interest lost.This stimulated me to reach a new level, the programming languages.It was a pleasure to develop elementary school programs in Pascal and now I am even more enthusiastic to convert my ideas into brilliant computer applications.

My dream is to become an expert in the field of computer science. However, in order to achieve this edge I have to learn much more about current techniques and trends in programming languages, software development, data structures, software engineering, operating systems, and other relevant fields.

At this type of undergraduate program a brilliant theoretical base is not enough. Therefore one of the most important patterns is the place where students can practice and evolve their skills. In special, at computer science program, in order to adapt and survive between the acknowledged programmers, students must always work just with modern technologies. AUBG is one of the rare universities that can offer both a high level of theoretical knowledge and practice laboratories with modern equipment.

Even in the early ages of computer development, scientists understood that the computer is a magnificent device capable to make in premiere what the entire world could never do, to unite the whole humanity. This field is the only one that consists of different nationalities specialists that work absolutely together and are not limited by any kind of boarders. Therefore, a new practitioner must be prepared to work at a global level and collaborate with a wide range of people. AUBG affords us the possibility of being challenged every day by interaction with students of diverse cultural backgrounds, political perspectives, religious beliefs, and values that will help me when I graduate to be fully prepared to participate in a highly globalized world.

The American model of education is the most effective in the world, and it is not a wonder that a great number of American universities have dominated for a very long period of time the mondial ranking. AUBG is a unique chance to try on our skin the most successful model of education on our home continent.

I realized that computer science is not just the present, but also the only future that will make the world a better place. I want to be a part of the future and I will give my best to create my own story of glory. I strongly believe that AUBG is the required key that will open all the doors necessary for my dream to become true. This is the institution that can ensure me a bright future.
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