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Posts by dd1042
Joined: Feb 26, 2013
Last Post: Feb 26, 2013
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Feb 26, 2013
Graduate / "ripple" MPH SOP Health Policy & Management [3]

"Your application must include a Statement of Purpose of approximately 500 words indicating your purposes and objectives in undertaking graduate study, your special interests and plans, and your strengths and weakness in your chosen field."

Any feed back and editing is much apprecaited! I was having issues providing concrete examples within the word limit. See below please :) thank you!

I sat crouched, my little hands groping around the cold dirt like octopus tentacles. I was searching for a smooth, round rock, just like my father had instructed me to. "Aha! I found one, Pa!" I shouted, as I clamped my hands around a smooth pebble and handed it to him. "It's all in the wrist", my father explained with a grin as he threw the stone into the still pond. I recall watching intently as the pebble hit the water and sank.

While my father did not achieve his intention of teaching his daughter how to skip a stone, I was mesmerized, nonetheless, as I watched ripple after ripple radiate from the spot that the pebble hit the water, gradually spreading further and further outward from the center. I could not believe that one little object had such a long lasting effect on the water. As my father explained the 'ripple effect', he told me the phenomenon I witnessed was an example of how even the smallest object has the ability to significantly influence its surroundings. While I did not fully grasp his explanation, as an adult, I found myself looking back to this day and posing the question "what type of ripple will I make?"

Raised by a doctor and a lab manager who were both involved in cancer research, I was immersed in the science and medical field at a young age. Naturally, I developed a passion for science, began interning as a laboratory assistant at the Big U in the Hematology and Oncology Division, and later went on to being hired as a research associate performing bench work and data management. As an undergraduate, I explored health through a new lens when I minored in Social and Cultural Analysis, concentrating in Urban Health and Policy. Yet, it was not until my current position at Big Hospital when I really able to witness the intersection of basic science, health, and policy in action.

In my position as a data manager of clinical trials, I identified inefficiencies and implemented strategies to streamline work flow. It is an amazing feeling to know that I am an integral member of problem resolution. It was astounding to see how even the slightest process improvement facilitated better patient care. Through the culmination of my experiences, I found myself answering the question "what type of ripple will I make?". I have come to understand that great leadership, management, and innovation within healthcare organizations can improve the health of individuals, communities, and at risk populations. I aim to provide the most effective management in order to implement process improvements on a larger scale in the future.

While I am confident that my strong work ethic, innovation, and problem solving skills would enable me to attain a management position in the healthcare field, I aspire to more than just to hold a management title; I aim to have a permanent impact on clinical research and patient care. This determination has led to my decision to pursue a Public Health degree in Health Policy and Management at --- College. I seek to hone my qualitative and quantitative problem solving skills and develop essential healthcare leadership competencies. Moreover, I am excited to have the opportunity to grow intellectually and become a part of a new community of future public health leaders. I no longer question my role in health, but rather ask myself "how big of a ripple can I make?". Acquiring a comprehensive public health education is the next step I need to take in order to begin answering this question.
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