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Posts by bmed09
Joined: Mar 15, 2013
Last Post: Mar 16, 2013
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Mar 16, 2013
Graduate / On my way to Chasing my dreams ; UPOU (Masters) [2]

I found the courage to take a step closer to having my dreams come true by finally deciding to earn my masters. I really would appreciate your insights on my admission essay. Thanks a lot! ^_^

Among the largest industry in the world today is the health care industry. Employing almost millions of the population around the globe. Perhaps this might explain the sudden growth and popularity of the nursing profession not only in the Philippines but to many other countries for the last ten or maybe twenty years. The profession which I am proud to belong to and thousand other more nurses do. Considering the statistics, anyone can presume that the job competency in the field is tougher and unavoidable. Thus, after careful deliberation, I have considered taking a step further in my nursing career by earning my masters degree.

Being the first in the family to graduate from college, I bear the responsibility of giving back my parents everything that they have sacrificed for my studies. I personally chose to take up nursing degree in the pursuance of my interest in joining a healthcare industry and knowing the great opportunities and good salary offered to nurses especially abroad . These and the hope of providing a better life to my family had always been my motivation to make good in my studies. By the time I started practicing and interacting with patients who had various needs, then I knew that nursing profession is more than just a job but about caring and helping people. In a very short time that I rendered service in one of the government hospitals, I had witnessed patients' agony over their painful conditions and their relatives' worried faces. These were the times when I thought that I need to be at my best and to focus on things I need to do for the patient even if it means holding a basin for the patient to spew on while rubbing their back or standing at the bedside for hours to provide continuous resuscitation when mechanical ventilator is inaccessible so I can, at least, lessen the pain and distress of the family. This made me change my perspectives and set deeper goals for my nursing career. Hence, my decision to thrive to know more and to commit to excellent quality nursing care.

I still consider myself a novice nurse considering my limited experience in this practice but I fervently believe that it should not be a hindrance in becoming an advanced nurse practitioner, instead, I would use this as a tool to complete my masters in nursing. For the past eight months of working as a clinical nurse, I have come to realize that there is more to learn and so much to accomplish in this professional field. The years I spent in college provided me the basic knowledge and skills in this profession and prepared me to perform my duties and responsibilities as well as to face the challenges that comes along with it. However, I firmly believe that pursuing graduate study would hone my assessment skills and further my knowledge in this profession. My dedication to delivering quality nursing care and my strong desire to help other people demonstrated to me that I had both the interest and the ability to carry on my nursing education.

My decision to apply at UPOU for masters gives me the security that I will be receiving a quality education and the convenience of studying online while working to gain more experience.

I know that the path to acquiring my master's degree is not easy. It may mean more sleepless nights and restless days but what could be more rewarding than gaining more knowledge and having to give better service to the sick people. It is priceless enough to hear "thank you" from the ones you have helped. This is my calling and I ought to give my best with the help of God.

I ardently hope that you will approve my application for admission to the Masters of Arts in Nursing.

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