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Posts by bgm0116
Joined: Mar 20, 2013
Last Post: Mar 20, 2013
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From: Korea, Republic of

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Mar 20, 2013
Letters / [cover letter] For applying for fellowship related biotech [NEW]

Point 1 Including personal background
Point 2 Purpose going on the doctor's course
Point 3 Reason for applying for fellowship
Point 4 !!! Within 3 pages !!! :(

The five stage theory of desire is defined that the best human desire is the self-realization, as the willingness to strive endlessly to achieve self-development and goals. I want to be a scientist until now from the time of junior high school, so my desire for self-realiztion is stronger than anyone else.

When I was in third year of junior high school, I had participated in two science club. One was 'Nolle science club' that was composed of 6 applicant under the guidance of chemistry teacher. There are three meanings of club name. The name of scientist Nollet, surprising and playing (second and third meaning are similar to pronunciation of Korean). The other was 'Plasma' that was a school programe. The meaning of the name was a new grade (4th grade) of school because plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter. Especially, Nolle science club was selected in YSC (Youth Science Club) supported by KOFAC (Korea Foundation for the Advacement of Science & Creatvity). It was the opportunity to complete together one project and to perform a lot of chemical and biological experiments of junior high school level. This activities had a major impact to determine the way ahead.

When I began my undergraduate carrer, I had the opportunity to be exposed to the full range of life science, all of which tended to reinforce and solidify my intense intersest in life science. I had participated in small group 'LSK' composed of the people with the same purpose to become a graduate student. I was able to study for presentation with member and to realize how to transfer information to another person at a seminar. Also, I was able to experience social indirect while I acted as vice president of student council. Then, I applied 'Sandwich program' that provide pre-internship experience in companies and laboratories to students because I begun to get bored with theoretical lectures on 4th year of university. I learned biological experiments from in vitro to in vivo as researcher for 1 year at laboratory that I determined to go on. During Sandwich programe, I had confidence to become graduate student. Especially, I wanted to learn live cell imaging using FRET (Fluorescent Resonance Energy Transfer) more.

I decided to become a student of integrated PhD program because I wanted to concentrate in a lot of time for degree. It not only received the degree of doctor, to be a scientist with the ability to carry out one study by myself is my purpose going on the doctor's course. Therefore I must learn expert knowledge and many technique for accomplishment and solidify my own will and attitude for academic research. In addition, I need to train myself for the ability to find a trailblazing study and plan for achievemnet of projects.

Application for Global PhD Fellowship is significant event or challenge to make me become a competent person and provide me with a time to plan and collect my thought on the integrested PhD program. It is required to doctor that the ability to write his research paper, report and proposal and present at seminar or meeting. Also, It is essential to be good at English. During preparatory period of GPF, I practice a similar works. Of course, the biggest reason for applying is thr financial support that can be devoted to research and learning. Besides, GPF is possible to prevent laziness or fatigue that occur during my degree course because there are continuous management after winning.
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