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Posts by javed kakar
Joined: Apr 19, 2013
Last Post: Apr 19, 2013
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From: pakistan

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javed kakar   
Apr 19, 2013
Scholarship / I'm from Baluchistan; my autobiography/ SCHOLARSHIP to study in America [3]

I am Javed Ahmed Khan and I belong to Baluchistan, district Pishin. Which is far-flung form economic hub and also is both backward educationally and socially. I completed my matric from Saint Francis Grammar school in sound numbers and a part from it I have very proactive personality and was one of the vocal student in the academy career. In school and collage level I used to be very punctual and never let any stone unturned in organizing conferences, taking part in debate contests and was also participating regularly in annual sports gala in the different categories of games. I have also procure good command on English language and am fully acquainted with its phonetics and phonemes. From very early educational life I used to read English journals, magazine, fictions and novels, which riched my vocabularies and also they inculcate literary sense in me which I think compelled me read Shakespeare and other literary figures. Beside this I have studied in different language academy and I have got advance degree from one of the best academy. I have also taught English in that academy for many months which has really given me valuable experience. After completing my Intermediate, I took my admission in international Islamic university in the department of English language and literature because studying literature really at IIUI experience me a new world. It was here that I become aware of American literature and their vast knowledge and literature. In literature I see opportunity to accomplish my desire of becoming writer and I felt that I should study my degree in literature in America because only in America I could well accomplish my desire of studying English literature and could become writer and living among the native speakers, I would get alot from their culture and customs. After this I start searching for this kind of scholarships and one day I came across a site in which I saw a ray of hope through which I could accomplish my desire of studying literature I American institutes. If I am selected through this scholarship and allowed to proceed to study in America, it would really give me a real test of literature and would also allure my personality. A part from this I deserve to be selected because I belong to Baluchistan which the situation is very turmoil and if I am allowed through this scholarship to study in America I would really well concentrate on studying literature and well also experience American culture.
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