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Posts by Masih
Joined: Apr 22, 2013
Last Post: Apr 26, 2013
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From: Afghanistan

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Apr 22, 2013
Undergraduate / PERSONAL STATEMENT; I started my long challenging life journey at five [5]

When I was 5 years old I started my long and challenging journey of life by studying holy Quran at home. After a month i memorized three versus of holy Quran and I was prized by my uncle with cash and a month later my father was too glad to see me able of reading holy Quran by myself. After a short time like six months my mom who was an engineering student started teaching me the preliminary lessons of school which prepared me to attend school at age of 6 directly to second grade. After attending school I was prized many times by my teachers for doing all my responsibilities on time and acting like an assistant for my teachers. When I was in tenth grade I was a student who all my school mates knew of my talent especially in mathematics and algebra subjects. Once in year 2007 I was offered by my teachers to attend a math challenge program established each year between schools in competency. I was the only student who was rewarded with a full package of books and notebooks for my 11th grade from my school because I could answer all questions among 15 top students of three competent schools. After being victor in this challenge, school council suggested me as math teacher for 11th and 12th grades while i myself was in 11th grade. Since then I thought math subject for two years that besides being an experience for me I proud of myself for helping my people in this way. Even I was too young to teach still my first teaching had a very good outcome since dozens of my students scored very high scores in university entrance exam and are now in very high level of prestige . After graduation from school I got my entrance to Civil Engineering Faculty which was my dream since I was a child and I graduated with honor of first position. While I was a still a student I served as an assistant to the civil department and as I graduated in 2011 I applied for being a teacher, but my application is suspended since the requirements are for people with Master Degree, then I decided to apply for Fulbright Scholarship to make me fulfill my dream of teaching in university and helping my people with capacity building as I did in the past.

I have been working in my professional field in positions of designer and project technical engineer since 2010 in my 7th semester when I was still in undergrad. Among a hundred of my peers I was the only student who achieved the chance to work in million dollar projects like ANA and ANP military camps construction as a designer/project technical engineer. I am a very patient and hard working person in my professional field. I have always tried my best to be updated with new technology and science. I have the ability to learn easily such I have learned three professional software, which are very useful and I have designed four projects using them and fortunately they are approved by USACE and RRCC Companies.

The first project I was involved as a project technical engineer was construction of Fekri Saljoqi high school new building which was directly under supervision of US and Afghan government engineers. After successful completion of the project I was appreciated and honored with a certificate of success. Since then I got envolved in many projects like Moqur Tent Camp, GSAB and FSSP inside shindand airbase in positions of design manager and got improved my knowledge of engineering along with practical experiences.

My life is a series of little goals which, when they are put together, will help me realize my ultimate goal. My ultimate goal is to be a perfect university teacher just after completing my MSc. When I was in seventh grade of faculty we had to design a ten story RCC building as our practical lesson, we face a lot of difficulties to do that, because in Afghanistan yet we don't have standard codes for buildings finally our instructor agreed with us of using American Codes, it was the time I made the decision that one day I will be one of the engineers who work on Afghanistan standard codes for construction of different structures and this idea gradually became my far future plan. Finally my major dream and my biggest plan for future which what I have done or studied paves the way for it, is to be mayor of my city and apply my knowledge for benefit of all my beloved people. I belive all my plans will be laid upon ground upon completion of my master degree.
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