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Posts by hjlary dang
Joined: Apr 29, 2013
Last Post: Apr 29, 2013
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From: Viet Nam

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hjlary dang   
Apr 29, 2013
Writing Feedback / In twenty years, student will do all of their school work on a computer [2]

In twenty years, student will do all of their school work on a computer

There has been a great deal written about the revolution of computer in school in the twenty-first century. Educators have debated whether student should do all of their school work on a computer or not. Opponents of this may claim that abuse of using computer not only makes students are more faineant, but also undererstimates students' writing skill. One idea that has received much attention is that increasing students' use of computer and accessing to the internet is essential. This essay will explain that universities should allow the student to pratice their skills on computer as far as creating convenient studying environment for student and making the teaching easier are concerned.

One of the most important reasons why the students are allowed to work on computer is that can make commodious space for students . For one thing, the computer is a significant important and helpful invention for students. In other words, it brings about a lot of advantages in education. For example, many years ago, the majority of faculty applied traditional teaching with book, board, handwriting, and a great number of students in small class. However, it have changed for twenty years. Nowadays, a lot of universities is reducing the number of classrooms by using online-class policy. That means, students do not need to attend the classes but still keep their good performance. For those who working full time, this will save time and make their schedule easier. For another, when the student learn with computer, they can avoid many mistakes from handwriting such as cramping, misspelling and other grammar errors because the computer provides learner many programs to correct the mistakes.For instance, we had an literature examination in last week. I and one of my friends had the same answer but I got 9 score and she received 7 score because her handwriting is so ugly that the teacher could not read it.

Another reasons is that the computer not only benefit for students, but also for teachers. Firstly, because of the advantages of computer, the instructors use it as a main tool for teaching. The use of computer can catch the attention of learners and makes them attentive as well as participative in learning activities. For example, if a sociology professor is doing a lecture about role gender played within the civil right movement, he may decide to upload some videos or articles about this issue. After watching these videos, the learners discuss their lessons enthusiatically. Furthermore, it can help the instructors save their time and energy. In the past,they had to write the lessons on the board. Now, thanks to the development of computer they just show their students many slides of lessons.

Opponent of this idea claim that if the students sit in front of the monitor screen for a long time, their eyes sight will be effected. Moreover, it is argued that the computer can destroy our social life and human's interaction. They have a point in thinking like that. On the other hand, they forget one fact that the more paper we use, the more destroyable the earth will be. The computer is the best solution to save the paper and our world as well. For these reasons, the students should learn on computer.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that the computer has a significant impact on education. First, it helps the learners study in a comfortable environment. Furthermore, the teaching of instructors will be convenient. If this trends continue, many universities can train an excellent young generation for the country
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