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Posts by Chocofun
Joined: Jul 29, 2013
Last Post: Jul 30, 2013
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Jul 29, 2013
Writing Feedback / Is it more important to be able to work alone or in group? [4]

"Too many cooks spoil the broth" This proverb accentuates the truth that if too many people try to do the same task, they end up ruining it. Working in a group results in poor performance whereas working alone gives a better result. Moreover it has become vital for everyone to learn to work independently to cope up the challenges of this frenetic world. One who depends on others is left behind and is subjected to despairs. Ability to work alone has become the golden mantra of success today.

Everyone is going to have his/her own opinions, so working in group is going to arouse conflict and misunderstanding. When a person works alone, there are fewer distractions but when he works in group, he needs to face chaotic situations. Thus, work is completed effectively when working alone. On the similar note, one can take the example of studying in group and in alone. While studying in group, people spend most of the time on useless gossips but studying alone is free from any distractions. So, most of the top students in the class prefer to study alone.

A person is solely responsible for his mistakes and achievements when he works alone. This develops a sense of responsibility and ownership in an individual whereas working in group can breed passivity in its members. This has been the same case for me when I was in secondary school. The teachers used to ask the students to prepare "monthly wall-magazines" in a group. I was elected the leader of one of the groups with 5 members who had no inclination to drawing and writing, which were my favorite hobbies. Thus, I was the one, who had to collect articles, think of new designs for each magazine and decorate it. I had to face difficulty in balancing my time for the magazine and study. And when the magazines, which I designed, won the completion, the credit went to all the group members though they had not put any significant effort on its preparation. If the teacher had asked us to do the same task individually, I think my friends would have been compelled to do it themselves and I should not have shared credits for my hard work. What this means is working alone demands complete dedication from an individual since there is no one to rely on.

"Solitude is essentially the discovery and acceptance of our uniqueness." This quote from Lawrence Freeman truly depicts the importance of working alone. When a person works alone, he gets an opportunity to receive laurels for his achievements and embrace his mistakes. Working in group can overshadow the weakness of an individual so, one can never know about ones weakness. One can get an opportunity to get an insight of one when he works alone. In the name of working in group, people are trying to hide their fear of being criticized or laughed at.

People may call working alone as being introverted but working alone is need of today's world. Working in group is truly the sharing of work but such sharing can only result in laziness, procrastination and failure. But working alone promotes the effectiveness of work, enhances the spirit of responsibility and helps to discover oneself.
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