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Posts by ovoxo
Joined: Jul 31, 2013
Last Post: Jul 31, 2013
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Jul 31, 2013
Essays / Throughout my life, I often had always wondered what my calling was [3]

Hi, I'm an upcoming freshman and I am taking a English honors class. We have a summer assignment to complete and part of that assignment is an essay in regards to my calling (what am I driven to do in life). Any sort of feedback and constructive criticism whether negative or positive is very appreciated. Please suggest any changes at all as I am not exactly the best writer in town. Please note that this is a pre-draft and is not completed and there are no requirements in this essay. It did say it should be one-page though.

Throughout my life, I often had always wondered what my calling was. What was my purpose in life? What is my destiny? My thought process of this topic of discussion was very divided. Exploring myself has always been something I am fond of. Finding your true heart's calling is not exactly one of the easiest things to do in life. Asking myself the question of what my calling is, I believe I may never reach to a clear answer at hand ever. But if one can dream, then allow me to express my thoughts.

The concept of one's calling is something vague. If you venture deeper into the question, you'll start to even ask yourself more questions. In this case I had began to question myself on matters such as my passions, my goals, what I would like people to remember me for/as, et cetera. As someone who tries to aim to become the best, I always try to develop myself into a better person, develop skills such as leadership, set goals and aspirations for myself, and strive to thrive. My path to success comes with many hardships and I still have miles and miles left before I can reach true success. Along the course of my life, I have discovered helping people in any way possible really truly makes me happy. Perhaps what I'm driven to do in life is to help others in any way I can. I cannot fully conclude that my true calling lies in helping others, but it is definitely the clearest of all.

My lifelong still ongoing process of self-discovery has fascinated me and still is. The one that really makes me feel like I have a reason and a purpose to be in this world is the fact that I can help. I believe helping others helps ourselves and is a something joyfully rewarding in many ways. When I realized helping others and making a difference gave me immense satisfaction, I also had a feeling of responsibility in life. It started to matter a lot to me and it gave my life a purpose. This was my passion. My passion always fueled when I received gratitude and thankfulness and appreciation from others. Whenever I saw someone needy, I needed to lend a hand out to them. All this had made me realize that my existence on Earth has a mission. That mission is to make the world a better place for these people to whom life had been cruel.

My inspiration and motivation to involve myself in helping others came from many places. From seeing the homeless and the needy on the streets, random acts of kindness, videos, it made me felt that I as a socially-privileged person, had to give back some way or another. My first step when I first started to help people was to involve myself in community service and volunteering. To this day it is still one of my great pleasures and it still is and will be. As I saw all the parts of society out there who suffered, my outlook and viewpoint on life began developing and changing too that point on. My drive to help others soon helped me to begin thinking of what I would like to study and what I would like to do in life. I decided that I was going to be one that services the community. Something I would like to do is to become part of law enforcement. That way, I can serve the community and improve the quality of life. It is however not what I have set out to do in life though, so I am still unsure.

Devoting and dedicating myself to the community and society is how I will leave my imprint on society. It is a common thought among people that success means to have a lot of money and fame. What success means to me is how I will make a difference in life. "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
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