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Posts by lala92
Joined: Aug 23, 2013
Last Post: Aug 23, 2013
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Aug 23, 2013
Undergraduate / 'The hunger for knowledge and Victoria's secret' - transfer essay! [3]

Prompt: What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field - such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities - and what you have gained from your involvement.

Essay: Philosophy, the hunger for knowledge, the hunger to answer questions the simple mind can not. It is the passion to search for the answers about morals, to find a fundamental ground for what is right in society and what is not, what is real and what is fiction. I did not fully comprehend this until I sat in my first Philosophy introductory course. I sat there with great amazement that I was not the first nor the last person to ask why, how, and what if. I was not the first to refuse to accept what others have, simply confirmed to. I was challenged to think for myself, to search for my own answers, to look at reality and the facts it presents and form my own conclusion. I was forced to research theories that Philosophers like Decartes, Locke, and many other great Philosophers have come up with, and base my own critique. My philosophy course, awakened an ambition and passion for a subject I never thought I would enjoy. It has changed the way I think, act and react, I fell in love with the mystery of not knowing, in love with the idea that knowledge is never ending. There is no right or wrong answer, science says yes, while society screams out no and yet every person has the right to form their own ideas. I am a person with my own interpretation about what my life is ought to be, and what I ought to believe. I am able to form my own ideas, to come up with my own interpretation of morals, realism, and of what knowledge truly is. I am only an investigator in this life I live in and it is up to me and no one else to take the tools I am given to form my own believes. I never realized that what I had gained from this course, would ever apply to my job. Working as a sales associate at Victoria's Secret, I never thought I would use any of the "classroom" skills at work. I was wrong, I was encouraged to connect with costumers and inspire them to buy. I was challenged come out of my shell and ask questions, to relate to people of different walks of life, to be able to inspire them with "Bra knowledge". I had to give costumers options, and have them form their own opinion on whether or not the bra was a perfect fit, aside from me telling them. I gave them an ounce of curiosity to try them out, test the bra for themselves, and form their own conclusion. In this case, I became the expert walking them through options they never knew they had. I saw aspects of what I had learned in my classroom play out in my retail job. I have learned a tremendous amount of how to see beyond what lies in front of me, and how to help others see what I see. I learned how to inspire others to be daring, and ask questions and not be afraid. I was not the first and am not the last person to do so.
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