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Posts by yofray
Joined: Sep 24, 2013
Last Post: Sep 24, 2013
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Sep 24, 2013
Undergraduate / Health is taken for granted! - UW-Madis; UNNOTICED [2]

During the last couple years, I have noticed that many people, including myself, take their health for granted. An issue that is often overlooked because not everybody gets sick often. It seems like the only time people start taking their health seriously is when they are contracted with an illness or when someone they are close with gets diagnosed with a life-altering disease. Growing up, I never realized how lucky I am along with my family to never have been diagnosed with any serious diseases. However, I have faced my own share of health obstacles of my own such as having the sickle cell anemia trait and asthma. I never had to go to the doctor often and I never thought anything of it. But as I get older, I am starting to see the importance of understanding our health problems and taking care of ourselves better. Our health is something that should be taken seriously and watched closely.

A reason why health is so important to me is that because I love my life and without good health, I would not be able to live the life I love. Most people do not realize that without good health, you will be effected with long term health problems which can lead to death. Moreover, those who find themselves "healthy" usually tend to not schedule doctor appointments, ignore good hygiene habits, and as a result, tend to be contracted with illnesses more often. To be in good health it is best that we exercise at least one hour a day, maintain a balanced and healthy diet, drink plenty of water everyday, and regularly check up with the doctor. These are things I consider good health habits and with them I believe everyone will be a healthier person.

In my sophomore year of high school, my health teacher always preached the popular quote, "The best wealth, is your own health." But it is a matter of regret that most of us do not realize it. Hygiene is taught in health classes but nobody follows the principle of hygiene. Hence they are falling prey to many kinds of disease and illnesses. However, it is hoped that American society will soon understand their mistakes and will give up their poor health habits.

In the future, I would like to continue to move forward with good health habits for the sake of the life i love and hope to incorporate good hygiene into my time at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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