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Posts by Valevasquez13
Name: Valeria Vasquez
Joined: Oct 3, 2013
Last Post: Oct 3, 2013
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From: El salvador
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Oct 3, 2013
Book Reports / Expository Essay- Scout Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird) [2]

Scout Expository Essay
Scout Finch, a little girl who lives in a boring and a quiet town called Maycomb County. At the age of seven she already knew how to write and read before all her classmates, this shows that she is smart and dedicated even though she is young; because she is the first person narrator, we know all about her strong personality. When she was at the age of two, her mother passed the way leaving her brother Jem and her father Atticus alone. Scout is the little one in the family and maybe sometimes she feels left behind.

Since Scout lives in a small county, she didn't have someone to play with, only Dill when he came to town in summer, but besides him she only has her brother Jem, so she spends her days bored. The first day she started school, she already knew how to write and read, because Atticus, her father has taught her everything, only by reading to her, but her teacher Mrs. Caroline Crawford reproaches Scout why she knows how to read and write when she has never gone to school.

Scout is the first person narrator. In every part of the story she gives us her point of view from her childhood perspective in the way she experiences every situation in an innocent way. Scout doesn't describe herself, but in the first part, she tells about her physical appearance: her short hair and her preferences to wear pants: "I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches; when I said I could do nothing in a dress, she said (Aunt Alexandra) I wasn't supposed to be doing things that required pants..."

Throughout the story, Scout has some problems with other characters, for example with Cecil Jacobs (A classmate), Cecil tells Scout that her father is a Nigga Lover; but she remembered what her father has told her "Not to listen and the most importantly of all not to fight back". Scout didn't fight back even if she wanted to do it, but because of her love for Atticus and obedience. She was raised by Atticus, her protective and responsible father; he teaches her the most important life lessons and because of that he is a hero for Jem and his sister.

Scout is an impulsive person, she acts before she thinks and she says what is in her mind. She is independent, curious and adventurous, always finding something to do in her quiet town; she is like a tomboy because she loves to play with her brother and her summer friend Dill.

I really liked the character of Jean Louis Finch, because she says what is in her mind and she doesn't want people to think she's girly. She is a very unusual little girl, she is intelligent, confident, thoughtful, good person and a little advanced for her age intellectually.
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