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Posts by zxcvbnm
Joined: Apr 16, 2009
Last Post: Apr 16, 2009
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Apr 16, 2009
Undergraduate / "higher Math and Science courses" - UCF Essay (bump in the road; why UCF) [4]

1.If there has been some obstacle or "bump in the road," in your academic or personal life, please explain the circumstances.

2.Why did you choose to apply to UCF?

I have been USA for almost 3 years. My English is poor. Please help me! Thanks.

There are a lot of obstacles in everyone's life. Some of them are small, and they will be easy to go through. Some of them are huge; perhaps they might stop you there forever, but if you ever pass them, you will be the one successful.

When I was in the middle school, my teacher recommended me to take higher Math and Science courses. Then I got in a class is total different from I thought. Everyone was older than me. Also, they had already started about two month, and I needed to catch up by myself. It's the roughest time in my entire life. At first I cried, then I found out it was not helpful at all. I told myself that I had no other choices because it's impossible to go back to my original class. The reason is I didn't want. I am the girl who is eager to do well in everything. Also, I am not willing to be left behinds others.

In the next two months, I used as twice time as my classmates used to study. I went to my teachers' rooms to ask them my questions. I concentrated to study what the teachers taught in class. In addition, I made up all the lessons I missed. During that time, I was busier, but I was happier. Time passes so fast. Finally, I passed all my courses with the highest grades. After I go through it all, I know if I ever meet an obstacle again, I will consider it as a foreshowing of my success.

A few weeks ago, I received a postcard from UCF. It says Let UCF Be Your Home. These five words really impressed me. I extremely want to go to a college which gives a feeling of home. Also, it gives a lot of information about UCF and I consider these are exactly what I want.

Shakespeare said there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. In my opinion, we don't necessarily to get in a best college to be successful in our lives. We are looking for a college that fits you. I think UCF is the best choice for me. In addition, it will be my honor to go to UCF.
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