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Posts by aksteele16
Name: Ann Steele
Joined: Oct 13, 2013
Last Post: Oct 13, 2013
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From: United States of America
School: Myers Park High School

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Oct 13, 2013
Undergraduate / Most people think that being "content" means being completely satisfied; (contentedness) [2]

Hi all-- I am applying to Georgia Tech and Purdue via the common app. I chose to write about prompt 4: Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?

I have the opening two sentences of my essay, and I fell like they describe me well and also reflect what the admission officers are looking for. Here they are:

"Most people think that being "content" means being completely satisfied. However, I am most content when I am moving forward, both figuratively and literally. "

I was planning on writing one paragraph on the figurative interpretation, and one on the literal. What I am struggling with is how to fill these paragraphs. I would like to include anecdotes from my life, but I can't come up with any anecdotes that apply to progress and the idea of moving forward. Similarly, for the second paragraph, I know I want to write about running and cycling (sports that I do that aren't otherwise reflected in my application and that deal quite literally with moving forward) but I am having trouble coming up with information to fill and entire paragraph with without being redundant.

Thank you so much for all your help!
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