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Posts by irishkelso
Name: Kelsey O'Hara
Joined: Nov 2, 2013
Last Post: Nov 2, 2013
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From: United States of America
School: U of M

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Nov 2, 2013
Undergraduate / "Trust me, I won't let you go." ; Something unnoticed [2]

Consider something in your life you think goes unnoticed and write about why it's important to you.

She was hugging herself tightly as I offered my hand and assured her, "Trust me, I won't let you go." As she slowly stepped forward, she gripped my hand and sat on the edge of the water. Her eyes were focused on the smooth ripples in the water. I used a few seconds of silence before asking, "Are you ready?" She nodded and hesitantly wrapped her arms around my shoulders. While resting my hands on her waist, I gradually slipped her into the pool. She buried her head into my shoulder, and I let out a soft sigh of relief. It took three weeks to get to this moment. Little Sophie finally got into the pool for her swimming lesson. Her fear was finally being washed away.

As a swimming instructor, my role is to motivate children to overcome their fears and trust themselves. During these small moments of faith, I see them triumph over their deepest fears. This is an inspiration to me, allowing me to trust myself and overcome my own fears; like Sophie did when she finally took my hand and emerged into the water. These moments of bravery are brief flashes; it takes a keen eye to notice and truly appreciate how significant they are to development. I have taken these brief glimpses into fear of my students because I am learning the lesson. Take the step off the edge of the pool into the unknown and trust that there will be someone there to guide me as well.

It is the faith and support in these moments that makes people courageous. While I transition from a dependent teenager into an independent adult, I have anxiety about making risky decisions that could impact my future. But with my family and friends' support, I am not afraid of moving away to ensure I move forward. I am no longer afraid of taking the step, we all have a path that is clouded by unknowns, my faith will allow for trust during my journey. I am not afraid any longer. Those fleeing moments of courage and bravery from my students will stay with me as constant reminders of inspiration and faith.

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