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Posts by smxlls
Name: Kennyotta jones
Joined: Nov 19, 2013
Last Post: Nov 19, 2013
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From: United States of America
School: south Atalanta

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Nov 19, 2013
Undergraduate / BELIEVE IN YOU to be successful; FIT [2]

So far this is what i have ....

To be successful you have to believe in yourself, to believe in yourself you have to have confidence, and in order to be successful and survive in the fashion world you must be passionate. The confidence and self-esteem fashion helped me achieve is what has helped me become the person I am today. My desire for fashion, my principles on education , and my ambition of helping other reach their personal confidence is why I want to be in the fashion world. Attending FIT and being in the middle of the fashion capital of the world while help me learn the skills to become the best.

Growing up I was never the most fashionable. I grew up with my grandmother who was very old school in her beliefs. Her main focus for me was to be the best academically and not so much to be the most fashionable. She would always tell me " you appearance may capture their attention but your mind will keep them interested and take you serious". While I agreed with her I felt that in order to be successful you had to feel comfortable and confident in whom you were. Having to wear sweat suit and uniforms wasn't the best thing to boost my confidence, in fact in killed it. Living in San Francisco I seen a variety of trends. The way the men and women help their heads in the beautiful and unique outfits made me only wish I had the opportunity to be able to feel that confident and express myself the way they were able to. My freshman year of high school I was finally able to buy my own school clothes and of course I had went a little mall crazy. I knew exactly whom I wanted my wardrobe to be inspired by and my whole freshman year I was Carrie Bradshaw from sex and the city. I was dressed to the T everyday whether it was raining, shining, or snowing. Feeling beautiful helped me rebuild my confidence and without that confidence that fashion helped me rebuild I don't believe I would be where I am today.
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