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Posts by karejenn
Name: Karen Cayetano
Joined: Nov 27, 2013
Last Post: Nov 27, 2013
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From: United States of America
School: Torrance High School

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Nov 27, 2013
Undergraduate / Uniquely Latina; EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES [2]

Latino Culture Club was one of the extracurricular activities provided at my high school that was on the verge of termination. But with my active recruitments, I became part of the contribution in reviving the club. I enrolled the students who were interested in devoting their time to not only community services, but to be willing to find an enrichment and growth within themselves. Students are given the opportunity make mistakes in a safe environment, but they must be able to learn from them and carry them forward into their future. I was part of the board committee my four years in high school and my responsibilities grew larger every year.

My first two years I was nominated as the freshman and sophomore representative. As representative, I made sure that each of my students were completing their volunteering hours, creating a brotherhood with other members, and that I receive positive or negative feedback on the quality of the program. Once I became knowledgeable about every aspect of the club I became Commissioner of Activities, where I planned and coordinated all of the events that would take place that following year.

Through my dedication and my active participation in this club I was nominated to become the president of Latino Culture Club during my senior year. My responsibilities quickly began; by recruiting passionate students who were interested in assisting our community and school environment. This year my goals are to become one of the most successful cultural clubs in my high school, and I will do so by expanding scholarship funds and creating more community events. A successful club at my school is an extracurricular activity that was not created for the fun of it, if not to make sure that it's students are experiencing activities that will help guide them in making the right decisions in the future.

I felt accomplished when an event that I coordinated became more successful than I expected. Operation Gift is an event we have every year during the winter holidays. The school district nominates a family in need for each club on my campus. Our responsibilities as a club are to raise money and to collect gifts for every family member. But my responsibility as a president was to gather everyone's thoughts and create a goal, organize events that would take place, and most importantly, lead my members. As a leader, I made sure my members understood our motivations, set individual goals, and work together as a team. With our outstanding teamwork, we were able to raise money, public awareness, and harmony. The event ran smoothly and our team was able to surpass its goal. This year we raised a total of two hundred dollars and a year amount of toiletries. Even though we exceeded our goals, I know that there is always room for improvement.

I could never be more proud of being a contribution in reviving Latino Culture Club. With that experience in hand, I have decided to have my club take part in Project Philippines. After speaking with the Filipino Culture Club president, I have agreed to help create a benefit concert and put my members under his service. We will help him sell tickets, advertise, and help work donation booths during the event. Through the events that I coordinated and my active participation in this club, I have been allowed to develop my leadership qualities.
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