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Posts by doandocdao
Name: Đoŕn Độc Đáo
Joined: Mar 26, 2014
Last Post: Jun 5, 2014
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From: Viet Nam
School: Vietnam Maritime University

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Jun 5, 2014
Writing Feedback / Chart - contribution of selected categories in total spending of five countries [3]

The chart denotes the contribution of selected categories in total spending of five countries. Housing, transportation and food obviously account for highest the highest proportions.

In United State the United State and Canada, people tend to spend more for Housing and Transportation; around 20% respectively. Food ranked number 2 in list of expenditures sharing in Japan and United Kingdom the United Kingdom ; mean while this category only take the 3rd place in Canada and only in this country share of housing and transportation had similar levels. Besides, it's worth noting that in all analyzed countries, health care service and Clothing were not big concerns. The sharing proportion was under 10%, just half of that much in comparison with Housing or transportation.

A detail look at the data reveals that Canadian spent twofold higher for transportation than Japanese, 20% and 10% respectively. While spending for Housing among given countries was nearly the same, the Japanese took the lead in Food category as its sharing expenditure doubled United State.

Still have some mistakes but I'm not sure :)
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