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Posts by tairisca
Name: Giulia Polidori
Joined: Mar 29, 2014
Last Post: Mar 30, 2014
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From: italy

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Mar 29, 2014
Writing Feedback / Toefl-Teachers encouraging students to question everything 'for our knowledge, o [9]

Hi, this is my first post so I hope I did it right. can you please check my toefl essay? this is the second one I've ever done so I'm not sure if I did it right. thank you for your time!

Question: do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should encourage their students to question everything. use examples and reasons to support your position.

When it comes to learning, I believe that we have to do everything we can and teachers have a
fundamental role in this process. Their job is not just teach us what we need to know but to prepare us for
our future. Questioning is the basis of research, knowledge and progress so is imperative that teachers
encourage their students to question everything.

Firstly encouraging students never stop questioning is the best way to let them have a complete and
various knowledge. Since we are kids if somebody told us something we automatically asked why. As
children, we were curious about what is around us, but when we grow lots stop asking that little but
significant question. Furthermore, teachers must involve us in this research to have a better knowledge and
a most various education letting us discover and study thing that we may not do at schools.

Moreover, philosophy is fundamental for our future to use us to ask questions since we will not have
teachers for our entire life. When you are used to ask yourself questions you will not stop. I think that in
this process the study of philosophy occupies a special role. I believe that philosophy is the science of
asking questions because this is what philosophers do. They never stop at what they see but the asked
themselves questions as why do I exist? This subject makes us independent in this process.

Finally everybody should never entirely believe to one person's informations because sometimes are
wrong. I think that we should always check or go further with the information they give us. Once my
teacher deliberately gave us a wrong information because she wanted to see if we checked or not. At the
beginning, I saw that something was wrong but she was my teacher so she could not be wrong but that was
too strange and I needed to check. The day after I told her what I discovered and she was happy.

In conclusion the teacher must let us questioning for our knowledge, our future and even to let us have the
right and complete information because this is the teacher's job and every good teacher should be
interested in their student's future.
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