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Posts by gwp1095
Name: Geon Park
Joined: Apr 25, 2014
Last Post: Apr 25, 2014
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From: United States of America
School: Los Angeles City College

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Apr 25, 2014
Writing Feedback / "Living alone without parent" - Do you guys think this is good narrative essay? [3]

Living alone without parent

I was seventeen when I graduated from high school, I moved to Los Angeles for better opportunities. It was my own decision that made me move. I was already tired of living in the rural area with my parents, and having no privacy didn't make it better. However, I realized that living alone gave me detriment thoughts to my life and gave me a lot of obstacles and hardships.

During the high school year, I grew up in the rural area, but I didn't enjoy living the area that was only filled with Joshua trees and plain dirt. It was nothing but empty spacious hot desert. It gave me a depressed feeling that living here will only give me the suffering. So at that moment, I decided to tell off my parent that after I graduate I will move to Los Angeles. At first, my mom said "We'll see if that works for you", but my dad said "yeah, you should totally move, there's literally nothing here that will help you progress your future!" I decided to listen to my father idea. I kept the word he said, and I waited out till my high school year was done.

When the time came by, I moved to Los Angeles alone. I was finally happy that I would get my privacy time. I couldn't resist of thinking of living alone and rest anytime because there would be no one who will bother me. Especially my mother, if she saw me rest way too much she would yell at me and say "instead of resting, you should do something productive!" I never enjoyed listening to her rebuking word. It always bothered me.

Living in Los Angeles gave me the time of experience to many aspect of different ethnicity of people. For example, my first job was a bakery cafe. But I was already in a worry that I would get hurtful comments from my supervisor, but eventually I did get it and my supervisor told me that "are you dumb? How do you not know the simple concept of cashier system" at this moment I was full of rage, but I remember what my mom told me "Patience is virtue to success" so I decided to hold my anger and said sorry to my supervisor and worked hard.

By the time, I finished the work it was late night, and with the tired mind I had; I visualized the atmosphere of my house as grim, quiet, and empty place. I entered my room with a regret of sigh and took of my work clothes and sat down in the chair and thinking" life is hard living alone" and thought of the time living with my parent.

Things were not quite easy for me, because living alone was hardest stage to encounter for me. Sometime it was good or it was bad. Experiencing the life living alone was a great encounter; it gave me the time to define myself and get to know my potentials. However, I noticed that living with parent is a special gift, even though they talk about the same thing over and over. They were saying it for a reason.

Even though I made troubles from my mistake, I knew that my mom was always there for me. I finally realized that back in the day I was a fool because I hated and annoyed by her nagging, but leaving alone made me thought that nagging wasn't a nagging anymore. In fact, it was more of a support from her advices for my future. She would always support me and helped me feel better. She always tells me that "Beginning is always hard, don't give up" her truly expressed word brightens up my days. Even a few words she tells me through the phone makes my day feel better because she's listening to my problem and helping me, supporting me, and accepting me.

When I think about the days I lived with my parent. It was a heaven and aroma scent of family gathering. My dad would be wearing his working clothes and staying outside organizing his garage for his equipment and my dog name "lucky" is always next to him like a guardian. Lastly, when I get inside the home my mom is there watching Television and hugs me and ask me how my day went by and she would start would make food for me. Even though I didn't ask she naturally handed out the food and talked about random things. But now in current state I would be always home alone.

As time goes by, I miss the nagging my mom gave me throughout the past. I missed everything about what she said to me. Even if it was Bothering me I would still take the chance to go back and accept what she said to me. Moreover, when I confronted my mom about how I felt living alone without her. It gave her a bright smile and she told me that" it is part of life, you have to encounter as you grow up" and as I heard that

I learned that my parent was the seed that sprouted the adulthood of my life. Even a little nagging my mom can give, it's all worth it in the end, because I definitely noticed that when my parent wasn't around I was briefly happy of the freedom I had but that's not the overall case. I finally found the answer that my parents are special and without them I wouldn't be here and reached this far to my journey. They just wanted me to be a better person and help me grow up to be a successful man.

Comparing my life living with my parent and living alone was a challenge in both ways. I would never forget the days when I lived with my parents because it taught me that no matter what situation I am in they are here for me. I learned that beginning is always hard and if I struggle now I will never struggle in later life I will encounter. I will never forget the days when my parent came up and asked me many questions in past. Now, I will become more obedient, understanding, and caring son. I want my parents to think that they raised me right and remain as a prideful son as always.
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