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Posts by Tila Tequila
Name: Polina Butrina
Joined: May 6, 2014
Last Post: Jul 13, 2014
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From: Russian Federation
School: Civil Aviation

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Tila Tequila   
Jul 13, 2014
Writing Feedback / GRE Issue "The best way to understand the character of a society..." [2]

Claim: The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models.

Reason: Heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals.

My answer:

The assertion that the best way to understand the character of the society is to examine men`s and women`s role models, is certainly debatable. Some might argue that each person has its own role model and it will be extremely difficult to make a whole picture about society. Others, on the other side, think that the heroes of the society can tell a lot about people. However, I believe that the society can be understood by examine the characters of the people in the society for several reasons.

The first reason in support of my thinking is that role models and heroes have a great influence on people. As usual, role models of a society are some famous people who are very succeed in their area. Role models inspire and motivate people to act like them or behave like them. For instance, Angelina Jolie is a very famous actress and extremely kind person. She motivates society to adopt children and be open about the problems in the world such as human trafficking or woman rights in Africa.

Another reason why I believe that role models can describe a society is that politician figures also play a huge role in shaping the society. It can be seen through the example of North Korea society. Nowadays North Korea is a totalitarian country. Kim Chen In is a head of the country. People adulate him because there is no other choice. There is no doubt that Kim Chan In is a core of the society and represents the moral value and the traditions of the North Korea people.

In sum, I fundamentally agree(disagree) with the statement that we can understand the society trough examine its role models. Heroes and role models have a huge social and cultural influence on the society. They should be examine in order to understand the society in a better and more efficient way

Thank you so much in advance for commenting
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