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Posts by changpark87
Name: chang park
Joined: May 14, 2014
Last Post: May 17, 2014
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From: Korea, Republic of
School: mica

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May 17, 2014
Graduate / Artistic research: relations between space and human - MA in digital media - SOP [2]

Write a short text (1-2 pages) stating your personal motivation concerning the field of study (M.Sc./M.A.), your interests in digital media, your qualifications,

your interests in further education, your intended personal contribution to which research areas within the field of digital media

This is pretty much my what i have for now.... Need some advices and grammar fixes. anyone?

My artistic research has revolved around the relations between space and human as an object of spatial composition in both physical and virtual perspective. I integrate my sonic interpretations in a simple interaction, which manipulates the acoustics of spaces. Embodying sound and its strong spatial properties with diverse technologies, I deliver the idea of spatial awareness and subliminal transitions between space and object in terms of psychoacoustics.

During my undergraduate studies, I explored a broad range of historical contexts, concepts and theories in new media and sound art. Moreover, I found my passion in sound and electronic music. While expending my own artistic voice through acquiring practical knowledge and experience in field of new media, I have become more aware the importance of applying solid conceptual strategies in any form of new media practice.

Although I have a great aspiration for solid concepts, I've been having a hard time to perceive the fragility of my ideas because of having fewer chances to discuss and share my idea with others nowadays. Therefore, I am eager to continue developing my research with supportive communities as well as building relationships with distinguished faculty and diverse backgrounds of young creatives. As a graduate student, I anticipate to deepen my knowledge more, especially in the areas of electroacoustic composition, sound studies and interaction design and space. I strongly believe that these versatile study opportunities from Digital Media Master of Arts program of the University of Arts Bremen will undoubtedly strengthen my artistic abilities and ways of thinking.

Thank you for considering my application and I eagerly look forward to continuing my artistic and professional growth at the University of Arts Bremen.
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