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Posts by haochen18
Name: Jason Ryan
Joined: Jun 9, 2014
Last Post: Jul 1, 2014
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From: Taiwan
School: Providence University

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Jul 1, 2014
Undergraduate / First Year in University - retrospection [NEW]

Experts, Kindly need your review on my essay :-)

When I retrospect to my first year in Providence University, I found it was a year replete with dreams, enthusiasm and determination. I have used the encouraged saying which is " Challenge yourself and get involved" to paint myself in the best possible light. In the beginning of my brand new life, my homeroom teacher asked me to join in the Wen-Zao Cup impromptu English speech contest. I had stress out since I heard the news, searching for those unknown topic putted me in the tight spot. Overall, I got a merely chance to compete with those senior, yet I still look forward this contest this year to sharpen my language my skills. To my surprised, my GPA was on the top of English department, furthermore, I got the second prize in the department-wise English speech contest.

Fortune has not always smiled upon me. The most frustrated memory happened in my second semester,I stand for our university to join in the national English speech contest held by Royal Club. I was kicked out from the second round, simply because i am not a student from national university. What even worst, the annual event of our department, drama contest, which spend me interminable time had thrown me a damp blanket to my peaceful life. But what made me go bananas were those buggy message on the Facebook was getting through to me. It really get on my nerves while those baloney accused me for being lazy.

I learned a lot from those experiences. No matter it was inspiriting or frustrating, the valuable life experience impressed me deeply. Obstacles may get in the way as a person embarks on the journey; however, those difficulties challenge the person's strong will. I always remind myself of doing positive thinking and preparing the best for the worst, for there are uncertainties and barriers ahead of us.
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